AudioMulch isn’t just a sequel or a new episode. This is AudioMulch: The Next Generation. We have holodecks in this one.

That’s the claim of the developer, anyway, and looking at the features, I have to agree. AudioMulch has long been a cult favorite for people wanting to patch together unusual sonic tools and performance rigs. That puts it in a category with apps like Reaktor or Max/MSP, but unlike those tools, AudioMulch has a lot of stuff built for you already. Those buildings blocks also have an idiosyncratic personality of their own, but remain flexible enough that you can make them a comfortable part of your own setup.

Oh, yeah, and this formerly Windows-only app now works on the Mac. Mac users can even open 1.0 patches. (Check the screenshots; you may not really be aware or care which OS you’re on.)

New in version 2.0:

  • An all-new UI, built from the ground up, with drag-and-drop patching and faster MIDI control and parameter access
  • Gray is out; black is in.
  • Dockable windows stretch across multiple screens.
  • Up to 2X performance efficiency increase
  • Patchable MIDI routing, finally – so MIDI matches up with the power of audio in the first version
  • Metasurface, tempo, and transport can now be controlled by MIDI and automated
  • Complex time signature support, automated time signature changes, additive meters
  • Improved support for consumer multichannel audio (see note below)
  • Startup enabling of audio, MIDI, networking

I was curious about audio support. Here’s the answer:

I’ve made some changes to the DirectSound and WMME driver interfaces so they can output to surround outputs (ie on soundblaster etc), without needing ASIO4ALL or similar. No WaveRT at this stage. Previously the multichannel support in AudioMulch only worked well with ASIO or with some older WMME drivers for pro cards.

Of course, WaveRT support would be even better from what I can tell, though I don’t know how much (ahem) fun it is to develop that support.

The only bad news is that the cost has increased to US$189. But if you have 1.0, an upgrade is $89, and once you buy a license it’s portable across Windows and Mac. That’s especially nice; for me – as for a lot of us these days – the Mac is my backup to my Windows machine, and visa versa.

It’s funny, I always liked Audiomulch but could never quite get into it; I always felt there was a certain level of polish and functionality that wasn’t there. It looks like it might be there now.

We’ll have a closer look at this as it ships, which should happen very soon.

Availability: May 1, just in time to use AudioMulch to play your Kentucky Derby party

AudioMulch 2.0 Preliminary Information

Surprisingly-detailed AudioMulch Wikipedia page

Gig Rigs: Girl Talk – PC, Plastic Wrap, and AudioMulch