Hands … off, actually. Remote controls for when you’re ready to do some production work with the volca series.
Tweaking with physical knobs is part of the joy of gear like the KORG volca series.
But when you’re ready to automate parameters, try new sound design, recall presets, or simply work simultaneously to experiment with volca parameters alongside software tools, it can be handy to have a remote control. It’s the producer’s equivalent of not having to get off the couch.
Benjamin Weiss, the other half of experimental techno duo NERKKIRN with myself, has been busily making volca presets. He’s found these to be timesavers in producing with the volcas; we’ll be using them in the studio this weekend, definitely, alongside some good, old-fashioned knob twiddling.
Of course, you can pull apart these patches and consider doing something similar for your favorite gear. See the screenshots and links below.
And, yes, we know it’s tough to actually get hold of the volcas – we’re watching. (USA’s stocks seem to be doing better; you’ll want to keep talking to your favorite dealer.)
Free downloads at maxforlive.com:
And yes, on Friday the 25th Benjamin and I have a new EP out together, because there’s really no point spending every waking minute writing about music technology if you don’t spend every other semi-waking minute actually making music with it.
Hope to celebrate with you, virtually or in person, next week. (We also play live at Berlin’s Naherholung Sternchen if any CDM – or De:bug – readers want to come by and say hello.)