The free/FLOSS DJ tool Mixxx has quietly evolved into a powerful software DJ tool that rivals commercial alternatives. And it’s open to whatever hardware controller you want, thanks to developer and community support. The just-released 2.4.2 for Linux, macOS, and Windows builds on that with new and updated controller compatibility.
Read moreRekordbox 7 from AlphaTheta (née Pioneer DJ) promises to address the biggest needs for the popular DJ software and CDJ prep tool. The UI is cleaned up and more flexible, prepping cues is less of a chore, and at last the company says it won’t slam your CPU like past versions. And yes, this is yet another music software update touting machine learning functionality, though what’s there looks potentially useful.
Perhaps taking a page out of pro wrestling, there’s a good chance that Grimes staged her “technical difficulties” at Coachella as a kind of performance art.
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