It’s 303 Day. Roland is giving away licenses for its TB-303 plug-in if you act fast. The Internet, for its part, will make you feel like you’re actually on acid. Let’s go.
Read moreGames weave art and empathy in unique ways: gaming is at its heart a medium about perspective and action. The story of developer Rasheed Abueideh is a model for telling stories and for what happens when people step up and provide support. When conventional publishers deemed a title about the Nakba “too controversial,” people responded, from the individuals in the games community to journalists. That campaign will close later today, but it’s already exceeded its $200,000 USD goal.
Ukrainian games house GSC Game World lost a team member in the front lines and had to face up to Russian disinformation to produce their blockbuster hit game in the middle of a full-scale war. They also packed their game full of Ukrainian music – including electronic music producers. Here’s more on the game, and […]
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