Since the days of Paint, computers have routinely taken some gesture of our hand and made it into a graphic. Now that coding is faster and friendlier, it’s possible to make a new tool, learn that tool, and then learn to perform with that tool. We’ve seen it in Joshue Ott’s superDraw (made in Processing/Java), among others. Here, David Szauder sends us his own 3D drawing tool in progress, Curly Code. It’s at the beginning of its life – the video below is the first live performance; above is an earlier from-screen version. But that makes it fun to watch, as it evolves.

CC is a very complex 3D, realtime drawing application. When i started my deeper adventures in the world of generated forms and structures, one of my idea,lets say desire was to build an application up, with the ability of freehand drawing in a 3 dimensional space, to animate those drawings, using as a performance platform. The first results were very geometrical, drawings without traces, i mean a direct gestural drawing, made by a human hand. Playing a bit more with the line movements, its started to be more human made, more natural. Finally i made several changes, i put a lot on noises and glitches in it to break the neutral look of the computer generated forms.

It’s built in Apple’s free-as-in-beer Mac developer tool Quartz Composer, with help from vade’s v002, the ever-popular Kineme plug-ins, and creative visual outlet 1024 Architecture.

This post only scratches the surface, though; it’s almost all an excuse to see the wonderful scrapbook of ideas and visual notions at his blog: