Here in Los Angeles the weather is currently sunny and warm – great for going to the park, but not so much for creating that Xmas/New Year’s Wintry feeling. Here’s a patch you can use to fill the room with snowy interactive goodness. Fire up your Projector, Big Screen TV, or Wrist-worn LCD Display and let it snow!

Here’s a clip of the patch in action:

Interactive Snowflake Maker from momo_the_monster on Vimeo.

You can download the Quartz Composer patch here:
Momo the Monster: Interactive Snowflake Generator (Direct Download)

Open it up in Quartz Composer, and drag your mouse pointer over the output window to make beautiful silvery patterns. If you want to go full-screen with it, I recommend you set the monitor to 640×480 to keep a good framerate.

I’ve got a version controlled by a joystick that I put together for my Company’s holiday party – let me know if you make anything new out of it! Enjoy, and Happy Everything.