It’s generative music that can fit into a spare pocket of a backpack. Nintendo DS + cellsDS homebrew + a little Lua code hacking + Korg’s Pandora PX4D guitar multi-effects = pure bliss.

AudioWandering endeavored down this path, with some beautiful results. It involved bringing some homebrew back from forgotten parts of the Internet – but we all get to take advantage of that. Video tour, with some wonderfully alien sonic results:

AW writes CDM:

Turning an old DS lite into a generative, randomized sequencer thanks to cellsDS homebrew along with new scripts I wrote for it. I’ve been always a big fan of cellsDS so, recently, after some projects I did coding on arduino, I thought “hey! What about the cellsDS that use the lua language code for its engines. So I started to modify the existing examples and later on I went beyond creating new functionalities and expanding the possibilities of cellsDS from an static sequencer to a generative one. Pretty happy with the results, I did a video explaining a little bit the thing and I put the new scripts suite available at my patreon for just 3$. Now your DS can sounds like an expensive modular or a fancy gadget from Korg or Roland but at the end it’s just a simple and humble outdated Nintendo DS.

What about CellsDS? We get a separate tour of just that wonderful app. (Though virtual horse? Think we were all on Nintendogs! And ElectroPlankton, speaking of generative! Don’t forget that! Oh… I guess some people forgot it. CDM never forgets.)

Plus you can jam in the sand! No reason music production needs to stop you from getting that perfect tan.

Sign me up. Here’s where to find more:

cellDS – Internet Archive [CDM remembers that and glitchDS, too]

AudioWanderer’s Lua script

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