Music lovers, online tools are getting more useful. They can even recognize that song you can’t remember (boy, there are there some evenings of my life I’d like back), and keep you from missing your favorite artists’ gigs in your home town.

Midomi lets you search for artists and songs the old-fashioned way, via text search. But it also lets you perform “voice search” by singing with a microphone. Here’s the extra hook for vocalists: you can put your own performances in here and get rated on your talent. It’s like Google meets American Idol meets artificial intelligence:

Midomi, via Music

Next up, how often have you heard your favorite, legendary artist played blocks away from you — the week after it happened? There are various online solutions to this problem, but iConcertCal is unique in that it does the work of entering your favorite artists for you, by searching your iTunes library. Now, of course, this could lead to some embarrassing moments, so if you haven’t already cleared that guilty pleasure tune you ripped when you first installed iTunes, now’s the time:

iConcertCal, via the XO Wave Blog

iConcertCal works for both Windows and Mac versions of iTunes. Nice, but anyone know if there’s something like this for MediaMonkey?

Pandora lovers: Tomorrow, I’m having coffee with the founder of Pandora, the nifty music auto-discovery tool. Got any questions you’d like me to ask him? Let me know in comments before tomorrow morning (Wednesday) New York time.