MC-101/707 Zen-Core get the comprehensive editor Roland forgot

Devotees of the new Roland MC boxes said it all along: these boxes are deep — if you’re willing to dive in. Developer Benedetto Schiavone has done what Roland didn’t and created a comprehensive editor for everything the MC-101 and MC-707 can do, hacking into the hidden features of the MCs.

Add a notation view to Ableton Live Clips, for free: FPB Clip To Score

Ableton Live has never had a built-in notation view, but one intrepid developer has created one in Max – and it’s free/donation- and community-supported. And it works beautifully.

Peter Kirn - July 15, 2024

Free ShowMIDI is the easiest, prettiest way to monitor MIDI; now V1.0

Geert Bevin’s awesome, attractive, totally free, and open-source ShowMIDI has reached the 1.0 milestone, with new features and an updated video tutorial to match. If you’re looking to monitor MIDI on Mac, Windows, Linux, or iOS, your ship came in.

Peter Kirn - July 9, 2024

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