Macworld Reviews Intel-Native Final Cut Express HD; Good Alternative to Pro?

Jeff Carlson reviews Final Cut Express HD 3.5 for (Note that our full reviews at Macworld are now largely online-only and free.) This is a significant release in that it delivers a number of features from Final Cut Pro and is Universal for Intel Macs, bringing both the Express and Pro suites from Apple […]

All-in-One Linux Recording Device: Just the First of New Mobile Devices?

UPDATED: I’ve gotten additional details straight from the source, with specifics on specs, design concept, and software from the Trinity device’s creators; see our updated report. has an extended report on a new all-in-one recording device built with Linux; it’s been met by skeptical readers at Engadget and Music thing. There’s little point in […]

Sunday Glitchimation: Synaesthetic Music Videos from Beeple

Beeple contains a suite of intricately animated, synaesthetic IDM styled music videos. Lofi, crunchy beats, good times from Mike Winkelmann. Check out IV.4 or Century Gothic for a taste. If they’re to your liking grab the 20 minute IV.2 or have a look at DoneBestDone for more Winkelmann collaborations. Screenshot wallpaper from Century Gothic by […]

Vista Preview: DirectX 10 Offers Eye Candy, But OpenGL Lives

One major carrot Microsoft is holding out to convince people to upgrade to Vista some time next year is the broadly-overhauled DirectX 10. I’m skeptical about many of the new features in Vista, but I have to say, DirectX 10 is tempting, at least based on what we know now. Details are somewhat sketchy, but […]

Red Camera is Coming; Full-Size Sensor Working

Via Video Thing, it looks like the dreamy Red digital cinema camera is on track to becoming a real piece of gear: Mysterium sensor at dvxuser The Red Digital Camera has caused a lot of fuss; in theory, it certainly sounds great: the creators want to “design and build a high performance digital cine camera […]

YouTube/Gvideo Fun: Learn to Rap, Breakdance, Pick Up Women, with Mr. T, David Hasselhoff

To get your weekend started off right, our friend Chris O’Shea of Pixelsumo fame has been rounding up the best YouTube and Google Video gems from his mates. (Chris isn’t a curator for nothing.) Best of all, Mr. T teaches us how to rap: After the jump, breakdancing with Mr. T, and, believe it or […]

Soundware Goes Creative Commons: Free Sample Packs

Creative Commons advocate and sound designer/musician Marco continues a stream of useful links at his blog Melodiefabriek. The latest: sample libraries composed entirely of Creative Commons-licensed material: ccMixStar Sample packs The Freesound Project, CC-licensed sound via ccMixStar Sample Packs [Melodiefabriek] What’s great here is that the remix site (ccMixster) is teaming up with sample sound […]

Free Max Stuff: Manic Autechre Sound Creations, Downloadable for Max/MSP and Reaktor

The modular sound and multimedia environment Max/MSP has had plenty of “celebrity” users; among the better-known is the duo Autechre. Some of their newer creations have been featured in Sound on Sound, as pictured below. But via the excellent Spanish-language audiovisual blog mediateletipos, I see that a selection of creations have been reverse-engineered by some […]

Free Max Stuff: 100 Modular Synthesis Building Blocks for Max/MSP

Max/MSP is a powerful environment for sound synthesis, but while some elements are ready-to-go and let you build sound quickly, there are other common synthesis modules that are missing. Sometimes it’s better to start with some higher-level building blocks and work from there rather than have to build everything from scratch. Enter this fantastic set […]

Free Max Stuff: Droning Interactive Sound Toy, Built in Max/MSP

Max/MSP can compile applications that can run on any computer, whether they have Max or not. Result? You can distribute interactive sound toys anyone can play with. Leafcutter John has supplemented a full album with an interactive sound creation called FORESTER. In demo mode, it remixes sounds from the album; add your own sounds, and […]