New Videos, Blog for Toshio Iwai’s Imaginative Musical Creations

Media artist Toshio Iwai continues to develop stunning, fanciful ways of making music. From SONAR, here is Toshio Iwai working live with his Tenori-On music controller, in case you haven’t seen this already: More YouTube goodness after the jump, but let’s skip ahead to the even better news: Toshio Iwai has started a development blog […]

Xbox 360’s Audio and Music Side: Hands-on Impressions

W. Brent Latta is a professional game composer and sound designer; here he brings us his pro opinion of how Microsoft’s next-gen game box shapes up. Hey, it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it, right? And as Tomonuba Itagaki, the creator of Ninja Gaiden, says, “Xbox 360 is the best. So we […]

Apple Makes Manufacturers Say Darndest Things; Is GarageBand Revolution Overblown?

Watch in horror as Roland and Yamaha use GarageBand as an excuse to push their products: GarageBand changing the face of music creation [] Of course, GarageBand has had a legitimate impact on the market, and we’ve seen plenty of consumer-geared products. If it’s glossy white plastic, blame Apple. If it’s a rip-off of GarageBand’s […]

Musical Mods of the Commodore 64, from Traktor DJing to Knobs for Prophet64

Hard-core musical applications of antique Commodore 64 computers continue to spread. There are plenty of pristine C64s out there, so there’s something beautiful about seeing these heavily modified computers get a second life. First up, the superb DIY and circuit bending blog Get LoFi has gotten their hands on the new Prophet64 music cartridge for […]

$15 Wavetable Collection for NI Absynth: Architecture

Preset libraries are rarely designed with the avid sound designer in mind. Usually what you get is overdesigned patches that don’t really work for your music. Andrew Souter sends an interesting collection today, however: a $15 library for Native Instruments’ Absynth synth with 1,000 wavetables (single-cycle waveforms, the building blocks of lots of classic digital […]

Portable Guitar Travel Rig, from Kevin of The Nettles

Now having seen fold-up guitars in briefcases, here’s another approach to what to put in your portable guitar rig, from our friend Kevin Johnsrude of The Nettles. Kevin plays both bass and guitar, but he has a more portable rig so he can play music everywhere. Kevin writes: In the photo: The diagonal headless guitar […]

Free Audio Pro Dashboard Widget for Mac

It’s been a while since I looked at widgets for music applications, but here’s a new one, and it might be enough to make me switch back to Dashboard from Konfabulator: BigBlueLounge Dashboard Widget The widget includes a keyboard with built-in sounds (though no MIDI sending, sadly), tap tempo, and three calculators. You can calculate […]

Hiromi, Super-Talented Keyboard Virtuoso: Video, How-To Links

Kevin says it all: Haven’t you always wanted to be a sexy Japanese lead keyboard virtuoso heading her own fusion power trio? Haven’t you always wanted to be Hiromi? I expect some of you would settle for being the bass player. Watch as Hiromi tears away a grand and a Nord synth, simultaneously: For more […]

Wusikstation v3 Arrives: Effects-Laden Monster Synth for Windows

We’ve been watching Wusikstation for some time; it’s a lovely, gigantic soft synth for Windows that benefits from a devoted community. Version 3 was promised back in February, and now it’s here — or most of it, as there are still new v3 features that won’t appear until a point-one update: Full details from KVR […]