In advance of the launch of Create Digital Music’s sister site for interactive visuals and visual performance / VJing, we proudly present, by popular demand: Create Digital Motion Forums Note that this forum will be shared with the Create Digital Music forum, because we feel strongly that for many people, these two fields are overlapping […]
CDM Forums: Keep Up With Comments and Messages
For those of you not in the know, you can keep up with the flow of comments on CDM and messages on the CDM forums via RSS feed. (If you’re like me, you’re loving the new beta of Google Reader, which makes reading feeds a whole lot easier.) Create Digital Music comments CDM Forum posts […]
CDM Forums: Discover New Music, Share Your Work, and Find Collaborators
By popular request, we’ve launched a new forum for Create Digital Music (and, soon, Create Digital Motion): Share Your Work – CDM Forums If you want to hear fellow CDM readers’ music, share your own, show off your crazy new interactive installation or VJ reel, look for collaborators to work on a song or to […]
Free Plug-ins in Magazines: Lounge Lizard Session in Keys, Audio Damage Pulse Modulator in Computer Music
Pick up a European electronic music magazine and you can hit a jackbot of free software. Sometimes that’s limited to free samples, but sometimes you get some cool stuff you couldn’t otherwise. (For those of you outside Europe, they do make it to newsstands, albeit at an inflated price; I can usually find them at […]
Leave No Child Behind in Theremin Education
Poor Tia Thomas! Here’s a whiz kid who can spell ortstein, velocious, marmoreal, and totipalmate, and she has the misfortune to be eliminated from the National Spelling Bee on the word Theremin: Theremin ends spelling bee contestant’s hopes [Theremin World] (She guessed “Theramin”, which Theremin World’s Jason notes is a misspelling widely spread on eBay.) […]
The Sound of Clothes: Zipper Orchestra
Okay, easy on the Clinton jokes, kids, but just a day after we learn an online fashion ‘zine is making music by recording clothing, we see that a team at NYU is taking the next step: using zippers as musical controllers. (Safe for work — they didn’t get that carried away.) The neatest part of […]
The Sound of Clothes: Recording Nylon, Sequins, and Zippers in an Anechoic Chamber
Fashion and sound usually involves pumping soundtracks on the runway. SHOWstudio, an “online fashion broadcasting company,” has its own idea: they’re taking leading garments from this season into an anechoic chamber, where they’ll record the literal sound of the garments. “Feathers, sequins, glass crystals and beads, nylon, taffeta, leather, velvet, jacquard, zips and metallic chains” […]
Digidesign Wants Your Old Pro Tools LE Hardware
You may have heard something or other about “Digidesign Trade-in Programs,” but usually it involves high-end Digi equipment costing thousands of dollars. Now, Digidesign has a trade-in program for “the rest of us”: Turbocharged LE Trade-in Promotion Here’s my take on whether you’ll actually want this: