As reported here way back in January, Moog Music has been widely expected to introduce a major new product at Musik Messe. Now, Moog is kicking the hype into full gear, with a tantalizing image that suggests (drum roll please) a ground-breaking new product that has a knob! And this knob looks, well, much like […]
303 Day: the freaky CDM Megaroundup
DIY + Unusual Gaming Gear Music Music tech Tech March 3, 2025
A multi-city hybrid experimental livestream event for Ukraine is on now
Music Tech February 24, 2025
Future of Music Tech, As Envisioned by BBC Comedy Writers
The hilarious send-up of educational films that was Look Around You: Music was only the beginning. BBC comedy show Look Around You has its own fantastic website filled with still more goodies. And it gives us a much clearer idea of the future of music technology than, say, a teaser from Moog. Readers have been […]
Mobile Music Computers: Tablets Good, Origami Bad
Did you opt for a laptop over a tablet when you bought your latest mobile PC? You can’t really be blamed. Tablets tend to offer less performance for the money, and hit the middle or worse overall on key audio benchmarks like processor speed, hard disk, and I/O. But you’ve also missed out: unlike a […]
Look Around You: Mock BBC Educational Program on Music
This dead-on send-up of British educational programming takes a look at the world of music and music-making, from that music you young people like so much (“the Bensons, or the Ombudsman”) to the “Harrington 1200” music synth shown here, which you’ve probably never seen “because it costs almost a thousand pounds.” (Boy, would that you […]
Low Power, High Performance Intel CPUs Means Better Music
Anyone trying to follow announcements out of the Intel Developer Forum this week can be forgiven for developing a headache: One Day. Four Keynotes. Infinite Leaps. [] Infinite leaps? I think maybe Intel’s going a little nuts now that they’re working with Apple, headquartered on Infinite Loop. (Only Apple would name their office drive after […]
Todd’s MIDI Splitter: Free Cross-Platform Split/Transpose Tool
Todd Hartmann writes to say he’s updated his MIDI splitter / transposer utility, built in Java for Windows, Mac, and (if you know what you’re doing) Linux. Plenty of other tools can do this, but Todd’s tool is free, cross-platform, portable (you can take text-file preferences with you), and — here’s the cool part for […]
New Synth, Imagined in Product Renderings: Sonoric
The Web is buzzing about some sketchy details of a pre- pre- pre-production synth from a new company called Sonoric Instruments. There are some preliminary sound samples and lovely product renders: hey, if nothing else, these guys can make some attractive imaginary case designs.
PCI Express Hitting Primetime Audio; MOTU PCIe-424
This year is all about more bandwidth for audio production, and one of the buzzwords you’re likely to hear a lot more of is PCI Express (PCIe). We’re only just now seeing cards that use the cutting-edge bus, but over the coming months they should become more commonplace. Granted, if you’re like me and focused […]
TC Electronic Announces Klingon-Designed Audio Software Interfaces
We’re all for interface innovation and TC Electronic does fantastic audio processors. But their new “MINT” interface technology not only wins for silliest meaningless acronym since synth maker Kurzweil’s “V.A.S.T.”, it also looks like the interface panels from a Klingon warship in Star Trek III. What’s going on here? (Hint: it might actually be cool […]
Audities: The Smithsonian of Classic Synth Collections
My God, it’s full of knobs. The Audities Foundation is a not-for-profit we can all get behind: their preservation is the “preservation of electronic musical instruments and associated documentation for use in museums, recording studios, modern instrument research and new music/dance/film works.” (So they’re saving these things for us, right?) Most importantly, via Analogue Industries, […]