[Updated: Something odd happening with links. My links were posted incorrectly (my fault) but the address from Focusrite isn’t working, either. I’ll post once I get a corrected link from Focusrite. Thanks for your patience. -PK] Important news — please forward as widely as you can, particularly to anyone in a position to watch for […]
Shipping Watch: Miroslav Philharmonik, Sibelius 4, Peak Pro 5, More
Here’s a quick look at new products that are now on their way to you: Orchestral Sound Libraries: IK Multimedia’s massive Miroslav Philharmonik is now shipping, as of today. (Why does that give me images of cellists being packed in crates and loaded on container ships?) Added reason to buy it now: introductory price of […]
Pyro (PC), Toast 7 (Mac) Add Video, Cell Phone, Audio Extras to CD Burning
How do you update something as seemingly simple as CD burning in the year 2005? Pyro and Toast are adding lots of extras, like a quick cell phone ring creator (Pyro) and video features (Toast). First, a look at Windows: Pyro 5 is a feature-packed tool from our friends at Cakewalk, with new ringtone creation […]
Zero-G Nostalgia: Four Decades of Vintage Sounds Under $200
Finally, vintage sounds we can afford (as opposed to the many, many we can’t). Zero-G has released a massive sound library called Nostalgia. 1.3 GB, with 1,300 patches running on Native Instruments’ Kompakt engine for Windows/Mac. Synth enthusiast Steve Howell is behind the design. Sure, part of the appeal behind vintage synths is their interface. […]
Digitalmusician.net Goes Public: Online Music Collaboration
Real-time audio and MIDI collaboration, Mac and PC, video chat, exchanging big files, Web space — we all know what the wish list of features would look like for online musical collaboration. Back in April, Digitalmusician.net promised these features, with a public launch planned for August. Unfortunately, that beta was massively crowded, so many of […]
Optical Theremin Toilet, Operatic Daisies, and More of the Weirdest Instruments Ever
The beauty of musical instruments lies partly in their strangeness: odd objects that have mysterious sound-making powers. So really, why not a toilet? Toilet, Pooh, Pikachu: Cementimental’s “Optical Theremin Loo” packs an optical theremin (with a photoresistor, in other words) into a plastic toy toilet. (Tom at Music Thing should like this as it’s white, […]
Brain Reconfiguration Experiments
As you experienced digital musicians know, digital audio is powerful stuff, not to be trifled with. The gang at TechDweeb (see today’s circuit bending link explosion have conceived a very terrifying new technology: Omnidyne Psychotronix Limited Brain Reconfigurator This device was evidently installed here in New York State at “the ‘Compostar Oculus’ spacehub and interstellar […]
Dolet: Universal Music Notation Sharing
Trained musicians can all read music notation. (Well, okay, insert favorite musician joke here.) But why can’t different computer notation programs share files? Wasn’t that part of the appeal of going digital in the first place? Recordare‘s products bridge the gap between notation software, thanks to the power of XML, with their format MusicXML. Finale […]
Sexohol Releases First-Ever Widget Album
First vinyl, then 8-track, then tape, then CD, then MP3, now . . . Dashboard widget? Yes, you heard that right. Sexohol is releasing its album Enjoy as a Dashboard Widget for Mac OS X. It’s free, and includes pictures of the lovely couple in the band plus lyrics. Only downside is you have to […]
Happy Birthday, Leon Theremin!
Leon Theremin would have been 109 today; Theremin World observes the date with a virtual birthday card signing. How will you spend the holiday? I’m thinking a screening of the brilliant Theremin documentary is in order here at CDM HQ. Or I could set off the building fire alarm with 109 candles.