Splice Studio is free backup, version control, and collaboration for your DAW

A lot of the solutions you’ll see for “collaborating” involve live jamming – even though that’s not always what you want. Splice Studio is a free way to keep a project backed up and synced, which is useful solo but absolutely indispensable when working with others.

AI turns 2D photos into 3D models – and renders KITT from Knight Rider

If you hadn’t already noticed that machine learning is hugely helpful for assisting 3D tasks, here’s a Pontiac Trans Am and an NVIDIA Omniverse plug-in to drive the point home.

Stop what you’re doing to listen game music going very wrong and very polytonal

2021 needs an anthem, and clearly, it’s bitonal Nintendo Switch paused game racing music in chaotic dissonance. “Nothing’s gonna stop me now.”

Acid, further out: check Florian with MeeBlip, 303, and Zen Delay

There’s some magic and alchemy in coaxing evocative music out of stuff with knobs, and Florian Meindl’s Riemann Kollektion keeps showing up how.

ID700 for iPad reboots the 1987 Buchla 700 – FM, waveshaping, and polyphony (Hands on)

It was the once and future Buchla. But back in 1987, the Buchla 700 was so painfully ahead of its time that … well, its ideal moment is probably really now, right now, on your iPad. And so you’re in luck.

Notch just added killer NVIDIA Broadcast support with cool features like body tracking

So, speaking of NVIDIA goodies and why they’re powerful for artists – Notch just added support for all those NVIDIA Broadcaster features covered here in the fall. It’s like a motion capture studio and green screen rig, without the studio or screen.

Surprise – NVIDIA’s AI and graphics news today for big industry is relevant to artists, too

Even as NVIDIA has a keynote with simulated robots making the rounds of a BMW factory, some of the GPU giant’s latest brings industry- and enterprise-grade tools to artists, too. That also could prove relevant as the pandemic has folks looking for work.

Premiere: Dark Forces by The Allegorist plunges us into a gorgeously surreal, shamanistic future

It’s the ultimate neo-futuristic concept album, complete with invented language for the lyrics (“Mondoneoh”) and a protagonist known as Dragon Rider. But the music is exquisitely composed 21st-century cinematic electronics. Anna Jordan’s The Allegorist has produced a fanciful opus for total immersion.

Great news for MOTU interfaces: new Ultralite, Apple Silicon and Big Sur support

The Mark of the Unicorn shines brightly. MOTU are here with a ground-up redesign of their blowout hit audio interface UltraLite (now on revision mk5). Combine that with expanded support on Apple platforms and a still-great driverless line, and you have a MOTU interface for just about any job.

Roland SYSTEM-8 synth is free to try in April – here’s why it’s a sound designer’s friend

Want that new synth feeling, but for free? That’s the hybrid-vintage-modeled-new synth SYSTEM-8 this month from Roland – and we’ve got the sound designer of its new preset library to tell us why we should download it.