Belief Defect’s dark, grungy, distorted sounds come from hardware modulars in tandem with Reaktor and Maschine. Here’s how the Raster artists make it work.
Gibson just killed Cakewalk, because Philips?!
Gibson, the company known for legendary guitars and killing your favorite DAW in the 90s … now gets the chance to remind the pro audio crowd of the latter.
Virtual reality set to totally transform DJing, and Japan explains
What would make DJing with vinyl better? Why, DJing with vinyl as a disembodied invisible person in virtual reality with virtual vinyl on virtual decks!
Novation now let you Launchpad with just a browser
Novation’s new Web interface means you can play with their Launchpad grid with just a browser, or just browser plus hardware.
R is a reactive, emotional robot speaker from Teenage Engineering
What if a portable speaker, the lamp from Pixar, an assembly line robot, and Wall-E had a love child that was also a toy and a synth accessory?
Accusonus explain how they’re using AI to make tools for musicians
First, there was DSP (digital signal processing). Now, there’s AI. But what does that mean? Let’s find out from the people developing it.
Regroover is the AI-powered loop unmixer, now with drag-and-drop clips
You’ve sampled. You’ve sliced. You’ve warped. So what’s left to do with loops? Accusonus have turned to machine learning for a new answer.
Tour the goodies in Universal Audio 9.4 – including an Empirical Distressor
Universal Audio are here with their winter lineup – the latest processing tools for their hardware platform – now including a sought-after compressor.
Two new ways to integrate MeeBlip triode synths with Ableton Live, free
Software control means preset recall and easy automation, on top of all that tactile control. Here’s the latest combination of our MeeBlip and Max for Live.
Real underground: watch a live set in the Copenhagen metro
You’ve seen buskers in your subway, maybe, but odds are a full-on rave is a rarity. That’s what Strøm Festival and Anastasia Kristensen gave Copenhagen’s metro.