Way Out From Behind The Laptop: Onyx Ashanti’s Beatjazz-Augmented Body Keeps Mutating

Onyx Ashanti can wail on a computer with no computer in sight, jamming on a virtual horn that has vanished into his cyborg-like live rig. Mouthpiece and head-mounted prosthesis replace what might have been a virtual reality helmet – or sax reed. Sensors in his hands provide more expression. But this isn’t just some flash […]

Mutable’s Anushri Bundles Sequencing, Drums, Synthesis, CV in One Hobbyist-, Modular-Friendly Kit

Call it the Mutable Fun Pack. The Synth Happy Meal. The Family Variety Bucket. The Anushri doesn’t have quite the sound design depth that Mutable’s Shruthi-1 does, but in its place, you get a whole mess of different features. It’s an analog synth, with an additional digital oscillator. It’s got its own step sequencer/arpeggiator. It’s […]

The Augmented City: Istanbul's Data, Made Visible in Glitchy Structures

Augmented Structures v2.0 / Istanbul Design Biennial / October 13th – December 12th, 2012 from Refik Anadol on Vimeo. Our century is marked by a wash of data, flooding out of explosive urbanization. Humans and numbers, it seems, are now densely packed, dynamic, and essential. Yet with that same density, they threaten to become invisible. […]

The Augmented City: Istanbul’s Data, Made Visible in Glitchy Structures

Augmented Structures v2.0 / Istanbul Design Biennial / October 13th – December 12th, 2012 from Refik Anadol on Vimeo. Our century is marked by a wash of data, flooding out of explosive urbanization. Humans and numbers, it seems, are now densely packed, dynamic, and essential. Yet with that same density, they threaten to become invisible. […]

Three Layers of Live Visuals: Flying Lotus + Strangeloop + Timeboy, In Immersive Scrims

Flying Lotus ‘Layer 3’ – A Red Bull Music Academy Film from Red Bull Music Academy on Vimeo. Immersion isn’t necessarily about big stage pieces, or hiding the performer, or scale, or brightness. It seems it should be about finding a creative connection between visuals and music, between visualists and musicians, and creating some dimension […]

Bitwig Reveals VST Support – And It’s Actually Really Interesting [Video]

Breaking into the DAW and production market isn’t easy to do. Bitwig Studio has been criticized by some – including this author, in a couple of instances – for not differentiating itself in particular from rival Ableton Live. But in the latest beta video, we start to see something genuinely new in how VST plug-ins […]

A Chorus of Singing, Stuffed Frogs – Complete With Mouth Pitch Control

From Japan, of course. Yes, continuing our coverage of stuffed, singing creatures – see our Theremin Cookie Monster via Koma Elektronik – here’s another entry. Cleverly, the aperture of the frog’s mouth determines pitch. Take that, Teddy Ruxpin. Thanks, Wouter Jaspers!

Seems Like Elektron Might Have a 4-Voice Analog Synth Coming, Actually

Let’s enhance! So, it seems a bit like Elektron might be working on a 4-voice analog synth. That is, especially since that’s what’s in the image found on the teaser site. Wonder what we can learn from the other corners of the image. I think the most interesting question here is whether Elektron does something […]

Create (Really) Analog Music: Music Video Made on Historic Edison Wax Cylinder

The miracle of recording is somehow no less extraordinary in this digital age – the ability to capture sound, the revolution that transformed music making worldwide, for better and for worse. In fact, if anything, the abundance of digital music is causing some people to rediscover the recording techniques that preceded it. Andy Deitrich of […]

Resonate 2013: Digital Visual Culture Paradise in Belgrade, in Packed, Affordable Weekend

Some art requires creative applications of technology in order to refine technique. At top, below: [Processing co-creator] Casey Reas. Digital minds converge at various places on the globe, but I’m uniquely excited for Resonate Festival 2013 in Belgrade, Serbia. I can think of no other place where this many different kinds of visualism intersect, from […]