Finding something intelligent to say after watching Beeple is like trying to compose a work email after sex. You just want to sit in the afterglow. Beeple’s tenth instrumental film is full of three-dimensional goodness, a joy ride through a fantastic, videogame world. It’s also eminently musical. As fanciful characters pop out of a rotating […]
Op Ed: What Do “Mastered for iTunes” and “Sound Check” Do To Music Listening?
One way or another, Apple is involved in a whole lot of the music to which people listen. Here, writer David Dodson considers what that means (and similar issues with other digital music listening beyond Apple, like Spotify. Photo CC-BY) Yutaka Tsutano. What does it mean to “master for iTunes?” Apple tripped that question with […]
Figure, Reason Sounds with Finger Control, Available Now on iOS [Video, Preview]
Figure, the iOS app that’s powered by Reason instruments and effects, is now available on the App Store for US$.99 cents. The sound is Reason on your phone – literally, with the Thor polysynth and Kong drum machine, plus the Master Bus Compressor and side-chaining from Reason in effects. But the user experience is quite […]
Get Live Lite, SoundCloud for Free, as Ableton and SoundCloud Team Up; Which Apps Do SoundCloud?
Indeed. Image (CC-BY-NC-SA) Bony Bünz AKA Cheek fille AKA Vi AKA L’Effroyable. Quietly, steadily, software has been making SoundCloud upload a standard feature. In some mobile applications, it’s second only to “save” as a feature. That makes getting your music online and shared uncommonly easy. Below, we’ve got the running list for mobile and desktop […]
808, SP1200, MPC, NS-10 Reborn in Miniature as Beautifully-Detailed, Tiny USB Drives [Gallery]
File these designs under “do want.” Some of your favorite gear is rendered in miniature: Roland’s TR-808, E-MU’s SP-1200 sampler, Akai’s MPC 2000XL, and (coming soon) even the Yamaha NS-10 near-field monitors. It occurs to me that someday soon, such tiny things might even work in some form as functioning music equipment. For now, you’ll […]
In TED Talk, Augmenting Reality, Storytelling with Magic; Behind-the-Scenes [Kinect, vvvv]
Faith in fiction: our friend, virtual magician Marco Tempest, is back with another must-watch, dazzling effects-laden soliloquy. There’s plenty of sparkling eye candy, but as is often the case with Marco’s work, the content behind the effects delves into the philosophy of what magic, theater, and fiction itself really mean. The message is timely. Rooted […]
Reimagining the Oscilloscope with vvvv: Circle Phaser
What you’re seeing isn’t an analog oscilloscope, though it … plays one on TV. It’s a digital concoction, built with Windows visual patching environment vvvv. And it does wonderful, twisty things with your beloved oscilloscope for visualizing sound. “Cat Weasel” sends us his latest work, which he describes thusly: An experiment in designing audio waveforms […]
csGrain Gets Granular Goodness on iPad 2/3; Vanguard of Multi-Platform Csound Renaissance
Technology may be about the next Big New Thing, but as with music making in general, making music with tech is for many of us a lifetime vocation. So, it’s welcome news to find that time-tested tools, maturing over decades rather than months, are enjoying greater use than ever before. We saw Pure Data (Pd) […]
Network Awesome Electronic Music Week: Way More Electronic Music Videos Than You Can Handle
Quit your job, leave your loved ones, stock up on food, and get ready to destroy your life with videos from YouTube. Network Awesome, a kind of curatorial “TV” network full of free online videos, has been assembling the best documentaries dealing with electronic music online, with hours and hours and hours of things that […]
Noisy Jelly: Gelatin Achieves Powers of Sound (And Make Your Own)
What if your musical instrument were gelatinous? Edible? “Noisy Jelly” is the latest project to imagine that scenario. Thanks to the capacitive quality of gelatin (known to us Americans by the brand name JELL-O and to some simply as “jelly”), you can mix up a set of colored instruments that jiggle when you touch them. […]