Jim Reekes, The Man Behind Mac Sound

OMT in San Francisco #3: ‘Let it beep’ from One More Thing on Vimeo. The legend of the early sounds of the Mac remains, apparently, an alluring one. Here, Jim Reekes talks to a Dutch documentary crew (though in English) about his thought process in designing sounds for the Mac, including the famous Mac startup […]

A 'Miniature' Day in NYC, and Other Timelapse Meditations on Time, Compressed

The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo. “The Sandpit” is a stunning, tilt-shift stop-action reflection of a day in New York City. It warms my heart, especially, as a lot of it is the world steps from where I live and work (which, by virtue of all these tall Manhattan buildings, I can’t actually see […]

From-Scratch, Omni-Platform Visual Plugins: openFrameworks + FFGL Now Available

A dancer celebrates OpenFrameworks … and we celebrate OpenFrameworks goodness meeting up with FreeFrameGL flexibility. Photo (CC-BY-SA) aniara. The folks at Resolume have given us a fantastic gift: now, you can make your own FreeFrameGL plug-ins with OpenFrameworks. Say wha? Okay, so, first, let’s consider the problem. You want to create a cool visual effect. […]

David Byrne on Collaboration, Process

David Byrne is, of course, a legendary name. But part of what I love about music is, for all the hero worship that sometimes accompanies music writing and fandom, there’s always something to learn from musicians whose work you enjoy – whether famous or obscure. David Byrne has been singularly open in talking about his […]

Something New is Coming From Elektron; Elektron Fans Getting Restless

Mark of the octopus. The mystery continues. Photo (CC-BY-ND) Allen Elliotte. With Germany’s Messe trade show just a week away, buzz is pretty well focused on Swedish boutique machine maker Elektron, that beloved manufacturer of the Machinedrum. They’re about to launch something, and it’s a product with “octa” in the name, but that’s about all […]

Notes Visualized as Beams of Color: New Work, Toshio Iwai

Clavilux 2000 – Interactive instrument for generative music visualization from Jonas Heuer on Vimeo. Think of playing musical notes for a moment, or close your eyes while fingering a piano keyboard. Odds are, some visual – however abstract – pops into your mind. Visualizing musical notes is second nature in the digital realm, once a […]

Reason and Record Patching and Guitar, New Propellerhead Testing?

52 Reason and Record Tips Week 4 – Unlocking the Secrets of CV and Gate. from James Bernard on Vimeo. Reason and Record may lack plug-in support, but what they do have – open-ended patching between the available modules, in the tradition of analog synthesizers – opens up plenty of creative possibilities. The only sad […]

Forward-Compatible Effects: Use FreeFrame Plugins in FreeFrameGL with fugWrapperGL

An information-dense twitter tip from Bigfug has notified us of some great news for those who love FreeFrameGL’s high performance mojo, but are sad about all their great FreeFrame Classic (yes, I just made that nomenclature up) effects gathering digital dust. fugWrapperGL is a plugin which allows you to use FreeFrame 1.0 plugins in FreeFrameGL […]

Cubic Game Visualism: Awesomely-Inspiring Game Trailer from Gamma

4fourths – Game Trailer from Mikengreg on Vimeo. It’s been a long time coming, but there’s real hope that convergence of lovers of independent, creative game design with audiovisualist aficionados could bring us to a new, game-inspired visual age. Of course, a good way to start would be for some game designers to start to […]

Robotic Twitter Songwriter Generates Tweet Poetry

Marvim Gainsbug: the Twitter based Song Composer from jeraman on Vimeo. It should come as no surprise, but Twitter can compose existential nihilistic poetry. Just ask the creepy, detached voice of Marvim Gainsbug. The robotic, generative songwriter will produce a “song” from Tweet keywords of your choice. And be prepared for some finger snaps at […]