One of the things I admire about audiovisual duo Eclectic Method is the way they work with audiovisual materials, slicing and mapping visual materials as though they’re sonic loops, all within the rhythmic grid. They’re also, as visualists go, able to carry a party on their own in a way that’s truly rare. So even […]
Artists We Love: edison is monome Instrumentalist; Look Ma, No Loops!
edison – tonka truck from edison on Vimeo. edison has become an underground sensation, a monome-playing virtuoso with soul. And now he’s just showing off. Sure, the monome lacks velocity sensitivity, but here, it remains an instrument, a 64-button sampler. It’s not so much the tool itself as the choice: edison has chosen to focus […]
monome News: Max for Live with 7up, New Grayscale, Mass Kit Builds, NYC Fest
SevenUpLive 2.0 Preview from bar|none on Vimeo. Planet monome is getting to be an exciting place. The biggest news: SevenUpLive, an extraordinary original application that melds the monome as controller with a set of Live functions, is getting a major rebuild and Max for Live support. Mapping the buttons of the monome to a set […]
Pd MLR Tutorial: Learn monome, Sample Slicing, OSC in a Free and Open Source Tool
The monome phenomenon in music making owes a lot to a combination of powerful elements: elegant, human-readable messages that describe button presses (using OSC), open software built with a patching environment that anyone can modify and customize, and sample-slicing audio playback mayhem with the popular MLR tool. In one tutorial, you can learn about all […]
Video: Modeling Vipers for Battlestar Galactica, in Near Real-Time
Shuttle, the compact PC folks, have posted a step-by-step walkthrough demonstrating how artists model the Viper fighter craft for the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. (That might seem like odd timing, but Sci Fi Channel — now SyFy — continues to crank out spinoffs of the show, so there’s plenty of modeling work to be done.) What’s […]
Help EFF Save Web Content: Prove Podcasting and Media Patent is Wrong
Act now, or this puppy is in grave danger. Podcasting pug photograph (CC) zoomar. Patenting the use of all episodic media on the Web might sound absurd, but the US Patent and Trademark Office has granted just such a patent, to a company called VoloMedia. It’s a significant issue, one that could threaten the freedom […]
3D VJ: Video Features Audiovisuals in Three Dimensions at Thunderdome
VIMBY – Thunderdome 3D There is a dimension beyond that which is known to VJs. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge, between that semester when he was totally doing great at math and the […]
OpenSoundControl: Now Compatible with Magical Unicorns
For anyone whose complaint about OSC aka OpenSoundControl is that it lacks broad hardware support, I have one word for you: Unicorns. OSC now runs on magical unicorns. (Would a unicorn not want high-resolution, human-readable messages encoded with time-stamps? I think they would. And because OSC is transport-independent, it can absolutely run on magical Unicorn […]
Analog-to-Digital Love: Rutt-Etra Scan Processing, Reinterpreted
Scan Processor Studies (excerpts pt.1) from Brian O'Reilly on Vimeo. The ghost in the analog machine breathes again, digitally. Here’s a beautiful set of work posted by Brian O’Reilly, who working with original Rutt-Etra scan processing from decades ago has re-conceived the work in digital realms. The 21st-Century invention takes place in software, but with […]