Novation Launchpad OSC Wrapper Makes MIDI More Readable

A new, free software release for Novation’s Launchpad could make your device a lot more usable – and it shows how useful OSC can be for hardware, even if that isn’t OSC hardware. (Now, imagine what OSC-native hardware can do.) There are plenty of misunderstandings about OSC and the monome out there. Among them, there’s […]

Live Music Makers Ask: How Can We Get in Sync?

Sync or swim, indeed. Synchronized swimming performance in Brighton, which itself had to sync with live music and cinema – check out the details, as they’re perfect metaphorically for this story. Photo: Greg Neate. Laptop musicians are feeling out of sync — literally. But we can work together to help the situation. Computer music making […]

VVVV AV with Blender, Fraps, MeshLab – Vadim Smakhtin's Internal Thinking

On the weekend we saw plenty of love expressed for windows-only patching tool (or “Multipurpose Toolkit”) VVVV [tag on CDMo]. Another recent VVVV piece which has impressed me is Internal Thinking, from Vadim Smakhtin. Sune spoke about how audio-linked visuals can be “jumpy”, which is often the case. But Internal Thinking shows that random, fast-moving, […]

VVVV AV with Blender, Fraps, MeshLab – Vadim Smakhtin’s Internal Thinking

On the weekend we saw plenty of love expressed for windows-only patching tool (or “Multipurpose Toolkit”) VVVV [tag on CDMo]. Another recent VVVV piece which has impressed me is Internal Thinking, from Vadim Smakhtin. Sune spoke about how audio-linked visuals can be “jumpy”, which is often the case. But Internal Thinking shows that random, fast-moving, […]

A Gramophone that Plays the Earth Instead of Vinyl, and a Sonic iPhone Epidemic

Images courtesy Olle Cornéer. Used by permission. If you think culture has become too disconnected from the Earth, “Harvest” and the Terrafon instrument surely count as a shock to the system. A traditional ensemble picks up an enormous tone arm and transducer and, through back-breaking labor, drag it across arable fields. It’s part sound art […]

Unreal Engine 3, Now Free for Non-Commercial Use: Go 3D Eye Candy!

Unreal Engine 3, by way of the Unreal Development Kit, is now available free for non-commercial use. That means that not only are its capabilities for games accessible, but all sorts of other possibilities for art, visualization, and, yes, live visuals. Unreal is scriptable, customizable, and powerful, making this pretty massive news. The feature list […]

Weekend AV Inspiration: Live AudioVisual Set from Motorsaw and Schmid

Sune Peterson a.k.a. MOTORSAW sends in this live AV collaboration with Schmid. It’s a beautifully constructed half-hour set, building from simple downbeat with minimal feedback to a frenetic, camera-shaking climax. Live at home from Sune Petersen on Vimeo. Sune also had some great thoughts in his email about performance, which I’d like to share: This […]

A Blog Focused on Sound Design, Special with Game Sound Veteran Rob Bridgett

Designing Sound, as the name implies, focuses entirely on the craft of audio from film to games. While there are industry-driven sites devoted to the topic, this blog is entirely the labor of love of composer and sound designer Miguel Isaza, whose writing has also appeared on Spain’s Hispasonic and Monofónicos. (Miguel also tweets to […]

Visualist Profiles, monome Visuals, and a Processing Workshop + Audiovisual Lounge in Boston

I’m headed to Boston next week for a workshop and evening performance – and that’s the perfect time to share some of the good folks I get to work with. You can catch them in person if you’re in the greater Boston area, and expect more on what they’re doing here online following the event […]