Apple Rejects Free iPhone Tool For Artists Because of “Minimal User Functionality”

MSA Remote for iPhone from Memo Akten on Vimeo. Since the dawn of computing, developers have been free to create whatever software they can imagine for computers. Windows, Mac, UNIX, Linux, Atari, Amiga, Apple II, Commodore 64 – it doesn’t matter. Come up with an idea, and short of doing something destructive on the system, […]

Want Free iPhone Multitouch Communication? Join the Crusade!

MSA Remote for iPhone from Memo Akten on Vimeo. Apple, apparently unclear on what multitouch clients actually are, have chosen to reject Memo Akten’s brilliant-looking MSA Remote client for the iPhone/iPod touch. The free(!) app could empower installations and performances with the standard multi-touch protocol TUIO, as used on the Reactable (and, thus, by Bjork, […]

ofxMSAPhysics: Open Source C++ 3D Physics Library for OpenFrameWorks, Java Choices?

ofxMSAPhysics v2 from Memo Akten on Vimeo. In a word: yummy. Or maybe that’s “bouncy.” Memo Akten’s brilliant ofxMSAPhysics brings open-source physics programming to the C++-based OpenFrameWorks environment, an artist-friendly combination with an elegant API. Coding physics doesn’t require an advanced degree. See today’s post on the beautiful My Secret Heart to watch this library […]

My Secret Heart: Mira Calix's Music, Wrapped in a Tank of Digital Tendrils by Flat-e, Memo Akten

Perhaps it’s the church setting for the installation, or the strains of 17th-Century choral composition by Allegri. But Streetwise Opera’s My Secret Heart, binding together reactive visuals and post-Minimalist musical strains, has the feeling of a 21st Century passion play, a digital devotional piece. My Secret Heart is a commission by Streetwise Opera, which develops […]

My Secret Heart: Mira Calix’s Music, Wrapped in a Tank of Digital Tendrils by Flat-e, Memo Akten

Perhaps it’s the church setting for the installation, or the strains of 17th-Century choral composition by Allegri. But Streetwise Opera’s My Secret Heart, binding together reactive visuals and post-Minimalist musical strains, has the feeling of a 21st Century passion play, a digital devotional piece. My Secret Heart is a commission by Streetwise Opera, which develops […]

Arturia Origin, Guest Review: From Soft Synth to Hard Synth, at a Price

Ever wished you could pack the sonic goodness and programming power of a soft synth into a hardware box? Dreamed of software that lived in a road case and had the stability and power-on capability of your outboard gear? You’re certainly not alone. That meant many of us were intrigued when soft synth emulator house […]

Live Artists as Free Ableton Live Artist Packs, Via Puremagnetik

I love the idea of artists translating their work into interactive packs of sonic exploration – like releasing an album for fellow electronic musicians. If you’re enjoying our exclusive 808 “less cowbell” Live Pack for Ableton Live and want more sound goodness for free, good news. Puremagnetik has released a set of entirely free “artist […]

Free Exclusive Ableton Operator Download: “Less Cowbell” 808 Sounds, New EP

The simple interface of Ableton’s Operator belies some truly lovely soundmaking capabilities. Our friend Francis Preve, a principle Ableton sound designer who has contributed hundreds of presets since 2004, has a new single out that makes use of some of those sonic possibilities, combining Operator with juicy spectral and granular effects in Live 7. As […]

Resolume Avenue 3 Arrives: Live Audiovisual Performance Tool, Mac+Windows

Resolume Avenue 3 Getting Started from Resolume on Vimeo. It’s officially shipping: Resolume Avenue 3 is a new live audiovisual performance tool for Mac and Windows, a complete, ground-up successor to the legendary PC-only VJ app Resolume. In fact, Resolume Avenue 3 demonstrates why the term “VJ” should become a relic of the past. Resolume […]

How to Datamosh with Free Video Tools, "Datamosh" is the Wrong Word, David O'Reilly is Also Wrong

In which this humble author, with tongue sometimes planted in cheek: 1. Shares a how-to video on datamoshing. 2. Forbids the use of the word datamoshing in future. 3. Challenges obscenely-gifted motion artist David O’Reilly to a rumble. Here’s the story so far: there’s a compression artefact created when videos are compressed improperly, which causes […]