I Want My Moog TV: Vimeo Channel, Moog Meets Tenori-On

Studies for two TENORI-ON(s) by Smith from Franck Smith on Vimeo. A chap named Nick Ciontea has created a channel on Vimeo collecting odd videos folks have made with or regarding Moog products. I know about this, because two of my videos made it in. It’s a grab bag, but a lovely tribute to how […]

35,000 Photos, Clever Projection Mapping Creates Stunning Experimental Film

SCINTILLATION from Xavier Chassaing on Vimeo. When we talk about “digital” process, it’s often mixing real, physical techniques that can make all the difference. In sound, that may be sampling real sounds, or building your own speakers, or finding physical interfaces. In visuals, it’s finding ways of doing things in the domain of actual light […]

Future Grooves: Breeding Beats Like DNA, Lemur + Ableton Live + Max 5

DyNAmic sequencer from Lo-Fi Massahkah on Vimeo. Ready for some musical genetic engineering? Much of the sound of electronic music today grows out of the use – and abuse – of specific designs. The electronica beats bred in discos and techno, Detroit and Berlin have a direct lineage to analog step sequencers and the rigid […]

Dozen Camera Clip: Todd M Duym for Curtis Santiago's "Annabel"

American director Todd M Duym has put together a tight little multi-camera music video for Curtis Santiago. Curtis Santiago – Annabel from Todd M Duym on Vimeo. The edit is loads of fun. Having worked on a much simpler screen-splitting post production before, I can imagine the post on this piece may have been reasonably […]

Dozen Camera Clip: Todd M Duym for Curtis Santiago's "Annabel"

American director Todd M Duym has put together a tight little multi-camera music video for Curtis Santiago. Curtis Santiago – Annabel from Todd M Duym on Vimeo. The edit is loads of fun. Having worked on a much simpler screen-splitting post production before, I can imagine the post on this piece may have been reasonably […]

Depressing Project of the Day: Stock Market, Set to Music with Microsoft Songsmith

I’ve been talking to folks about sonifying or music-i-fying data a lot lately; I even created a soothing, gamelan-like melody from my Gmail spam folder at South by Southwest last spring. But this particular example is, well … special. I hesitate to share this, because a) YouTube numbers suggest you may have seen it already […]

Lemur, Dexter Multi-Touch: V2 Software, Recession-Special Price Drops

Unboxing the Lemur, (CC) Bjarke Bech. Before the iPhone, before HP computers and Windows 7 touch features and Apple trackpad gestures, the Jazz Mutant Lemur multi-touch interface was ahead of its time. Today, it’s still unique, in that it’s one of the few commercially-available devices to support OpenSoundControl, it’s a luxuriously-large multi-touch screen, and it […]

Follow Friday: Musical Twitter Feeds You Read – and an Alternative Approach

Twitter has been (rightfully, in many cases) maligned as a distraction, but at times the “microblog” can keep us connected in smaller bits of time, not larger. People read while something is rendering, when they feel a bit lonely or distracted to begin with (a bit like taking work to a virtual coffee shop), while […]

Processing Tutorials: Getting Started with Video Processing via OpenCV

Examples of OpenCV routines from the Processing library documentation. Of course, it’s up to you to build on these techniques and make art. It’s a relatively easy thing for computers to “see” video, but “computer vision” goes a step further, applying a wide range of techniques by which computers can begin to understand and process […]

Herovision, Flamingo Crash and Simulcast: Streaming Live Now

Herovision is now streaming live from Game On at the State Library of Queensland. This is a test stream, so please forgive any technical issues and dead air you may encounter. Tonight we have Flamingo Crash, followed by Simulcast, and then Herovision. Live! If you’d like to drop in to the chat and say hi, […]