Alternative titles for this post: “Progress Bars and Existentialism” “A single video encapsulates everything I have to say about the nature of time as reflected in interface design” “When the (*&$& is this damned wait cursor going to stop spinning, and why did it start spinning in the first place?” “Real-time – or its nearest […]
Spaces for Performance: The New PS1 Summer Architecture, "After Party"
Photo by MOS, via The New York Times: Slideshow – Coming to P.S. 1: Cones, Domes, and Huts. Every summer, modern art museum P.S. 1 in Long Island City transforms its outdoor courtyard into an architectural institute. On the grounds on which school kids once played at recess, art lovers, folks from the neighborhood, scenesters, […]
Spaces for Performance: The New PS1 Summer Architecture, "After Party"
Photo by MOS, via The New York Times: Slideshow – Coming to P.S. 1: Cones, Domes, and Huts. Every summer, modern art museum P.S. 1 in Long Island City transforms its outdoor courtyard into an architectural institute. On the grounds on which school kids once played at recess, art lovers, folks from the neighborhood, scenesters, […]
Velato: What if Musical Notes Had Their Own Programming Language?
Photo (CC) Quinn Dombrowski. Composing music is not unlike programming – and either, at their best, can be expressive. In the early days of IT (before “IT” was even a term), many computer programmers came from a musical background. (And even early in the computer age, there was more call for software than symphonies – […]
VJ Controller, The Return: Codanova VMX VJ v2
Via the fantastic French language VJ blog Le Collagiste, version two of Codanova’s VJ-centric midi controller has dropped, and been obsessively photographed alongside the original. The new VMX VJ is considerably slimmer, still bespoke manufactured in France, and as beautiful as ever. Shipping worldwide for €500.
Slo Mo Promo: Casio EX-F1 Footage of New York
Photographer Vincente Sahuc has posted an extended reel of slow motion footage from one of Casio’s fantastically cheap, slow motion capable cameras [site | on CDM]. New York 2008 from Vicente Sahuc on Vimeo. The video was shot at 300FPS, using a Steadicam Merlin and… Rollerskates! Some lovely editing, a great soundtrack and a variety […]
bpitchcontrol Releases Telefon Tel Aviv’s “immolate yourself”
Ellen Allien’s Berlin-based label bpitchcontrol this week released Telefon Tel Aviv’s third album, which we’ve sadly just learned will be a posthumous release for the duo’s Charlie Cooper. “immolate yourself“ unites ten tracks with the aim to give the term electro pop a new definition for 2009. although each track has its own story to […]
Obituary: Charlie Cooper, Telefon Tel Aviv; Musical Reflections Welcome
Photo (CC) Jamarr Mays. I’m incredibly saddened to learn that Charlie Cooper, half of Telefon Tel Aviv, has died at age 31. His death on January 22 was revealed by Josh Eustis on the Telefon Tel Aviv MySpace page. We have been so fortunate to tour the world together, while at the same time having […]
Retro Thing on Rescuing Old Formats: 8mm, Polaroid
The very things that make many of us so passionate about the bleeding edge of visual technology make us equally attached to vintage media – not out of nostalgia, out of a love of what is expressive. Our friends over at Retro Thing have devoted their entire site to such matters. But as we mourn […]
Adobe’s Soundbooth CS4, the Audio Editor Giveaway in Creative Suite
Speaking of audio editors for the Mac, Adobe has its own wave-editing tool for Mac and Windows. Soundbooth is different from other entries in the field, in that its aim is really to woo a wide audience and not just those of us who work with sound regularly. Got a Flash project and need to […]