Projection Mapping Resource and Tutorial: How To Project On 3D Geometry with VVVV

Last time we checked, the VVVV “How to Project On Complex Geometry” article was in its infancy. Now it’s been renamed as How To Project On 3D Geometry (why?), and stands as a great overview to the subject, with some specific patches for trying various setups in VVVV, and discussion on the technical aspects of […]

25FPSFTW: Small Cheap PAL Security Cameras Now Available on DealExtreme

My favorite purveyors of cheap stuff have finally added a sub-$15 PAL video camera (NTSC version) to their inventory. 25FPSers rejoice! This seems to be the same or very similar model to the cameras I’ve been using for my various Vixid experiments, and as the core of the Herovision setup. The quality of these can […]

Grab the Automap 3 Beta from Novation; Use it with Reaper, More

RCUS notes there’s a beta page for the Automap 3 beta for Mac and Windows: Focusrite – Novation Beta There’s a registration form for beta testers so you can stay up to date, but you can grab the download immediately. Sounds great to me, as more (quality) feedback can mean fewer bugs! And what about […]

Automap 3 Pro: New Heads-Up Display, More Flexibility for Dynamic Controllers

Dynamic control is fantastic. The idea is this: when you switch to a new app or instrument or effect, the hardware controller automatically assigns parameters to controls. That means no messing around with templates, assignment editors, and configuration, and the ability to quickly gain control of your software when editing or performing. Novation’s MIDI-controlling keyboards […]

Weekend Inspiration: Star Wars, Retold by Someone Who Hasn't Seen It

This has been posted all over the web this weekend, but in case there’s anyone out there in CDM Land who hasn’t already encountered it: Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo. Of course, apart from being a high dose of both Cute and Funny, there’s a CDMo […]

Analog, Meet Digital: MOTU Volta Connects the Mac to CV Synths, Effects Graphically

Computers speak digital signal. Analog synths and modulars speak control voltage. (It’s sort of a “men are from Mars, women find these metaphors insulting” kind of situation.) What if you could bridge the two elegantly and graphically, using a drag-and-drop, modular interface with calibration and control features? MOTU has developed a solution called Volta. It’s […]

Authentic Chipmusic Soft Synth Emulation: Plogue Chipsounds Scoop from NAMM

  From top: ComputeHer, 8 bit Weapon. You’ve heard the chip hype. But there’s something behind it: vintage digital chips can make wonderful sounds. And I’m thrilled that someone has painstakingly reproduced those sounds in an upcoming package. Emulating analog circuitry, from amps to classic synths, has been long understood. But we’ve finally reached an […]

Max For Live is Max In Live: MSP, Jitter, OSC, and All; The Open Source Side?

Standing on Max patches. Photo (CC) Sklathill. Many people are asking about what Max for Live can do. That’s a short answer: everything Max/MSP/Jitter can, plus some new stuff to make it work with Ableton Live. It might be better called “Max in Live.” Max for Live has all the objects that Max/MSP and Jitter […]

Akai APC40 Video from Ableton; More Controllers Coming

When Ableton refers to controllers, they do use “controllers,” plural. So you can expect more Ableton-official controllers coming soon. Ableton does have a video where you can see more in action. (Video via the terrific audioporncentral.) What I need you to tell me is what you can’t see in this video, so I can sit […]