Global VJ Nation: Next Live Performers Meeting will be in Mexico

Ed.: The global visualist community is more underground than people outside the scene may realize. LPM is an essential event in which these artists come together. Events have tended to be in Europe, but now it’s North America’s turn — the other “United States,” the Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Live Performers Meeting won’t be making their […]

Event Report: Live Performers Meeting, Roma 2008

The fifth edition of LPM brought 240 visualists from around Europe to the edgy splendour of Rome’s Mattatoio di Testaccio for a four day program incorporating 60 a/v performances and 60 vj sets. With a peer-to-peer philosophy and an open-submissions program, it was really encouraging not only to see practitioners in the field get to […]

New toxiclibs for Processing: Must-Download for Visual Coders

Image: sketches from Processing alpha, found in toxi’s archives. Via toxi @ Flickr. The open coding tool Processing has many, many libraries. Some deserve special mention. So I’m going to shift into infomercial mode for a second. Imagine video images of knives cutting through concrete blocks, etc. Tried searching used book tables for math books […]

Fair Use, Public Domain, Creative Commons Explained in Videos, Tool

When is it legally permissible to sample and reuse content? What’s in the public domain? And what is this Creative Commons thing about? These questions are perpetually important to anyone in digital media, but there have been a number of resources I’ve come across just in the last few days that may be friendly to […]

Dance Party Without Sound: Bonnaroo 2008’s Silent Disco

A light glows from a crowded tent. Bodies move in unison as a DJ’s head bounces up and down with the beat. And you hear – nothing? Such is the Silent Disco, most recently staged at Tennessee’s Bonnaroo 2008 Music Festival, as seen on CDM’s See Jason’s blog post, photos, and look at the […]

Two Crazy Ableton Live Sets, with Mario and Animation; Send Us Yours!

We asked to see inside the Ableton Live sets you use in live performance, and you’ve responded with an overwhelming variety of responses. There are plenty of very practical submissions, from beginners and advanced users alike, which should give us a real sense of the ways in which people are playing Live as an instrument. […]

House of Cards? Radiohead Video Has Detractors, Too

Any time you see something with a lot of Web buzz, you expect someone to be negative – and perhaps that’s healthy, having someone to play devil’s advocate. But I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed by the rants over on First, Chris Vinnicombe said watching the video was like “being spoon-fed a […]

First Radiohead “House of Cards” Videos Appearing'; Ben Fry on the Code

Just days into Radiohead’s experiment with providing data and code for a visualized music video, fan responses are already starting to appear. I’m not sure just how much of Thom Yorke’s face people will want, but the first results do look impressive – and indicate the talent and skill around the world, waiting to be […]

First Radiohead “House of Cards” Videos Appearing’; Ben Fry on the Code

Just days into Radiohead’s experiment with providing data and code for a visualized music video, fan responses are already starting to appear. I’m not sure just how much of Thom Yorke’s face people will want, but the first results do look impressive – and indicate the talent and skill around the world, waiting to be […]

Trinity’s Indamixx, Fully Mobile Music Studio with EnergyXT and Ardour – Take Note, Developers

Trinity, the folks who have been pushing the notion of a Linux-based handheld audio studio for some time now, have launched a full product today. It’s called the Indamixx Mobile DAW, and it’s a full software studio running on Samsung’s Q1 Ultra (formerly known as an Ultra Mobile PC). In fact, it might more accurate […]