Circle Synth is Here: New Instrument Built Around Flow

We’ve been lucky enough to break the story of Circle, a new soft synth with a creative user interface, and to take you behind the scenes of its creators thinking process in creating the software. But maybe you don’t buy into the idea of a synth that focuses on flow and working method, or its […]

Apple Unveils Snow Leopard, But What Does it Mean?

Apple’s airtight secrecy has allowed it to do some wonderful things. But what happens when it’s difficult to tell the path of future operating systems? That’s the situation I’m trying to tackle with Mac OS X Leopard and now the upcoming Mac OS X “Snow Leopard.” The good news is, Apple says they’re focused on […]

Time to Buy Up Generation 1 iPhones for Hacking?

Everyone’s been having the same thought, from what I’ve seen on the blogs and on Twitter: as iPhone users dump their current models for the new 3G iPhone, is now the time to snap up old iPhones and hack away? Hackaday picks up the idea: Hackit: What to do with a 1st gen iPhone? Thanks […]

Snow Leopard Promises QuickTime X

In case you haven’t seen, Apple has made a vague public mention of Snow Leopard, the next major release of OS X. Cost: unknown. Availability: a year out, roughly. Contents: "quality" improvements. (I talk about some of the confusion Apple’s software strategy has caused over on Create Digital Music.) Here’s the visualist tidbit: on the […]

Projection, Models, Stop-Motion in Production: Lightsurgeons "Eight Questions" Video Built from Waste

Some interesting production techniques used in this video from the Lightsurgeons. This film was created entirely from the waste collected and produced during the Sapporo ICC International Creative Workshop 2008 that took place between 4th -14th March. It was led by Light Surgeons creatives Chris Allen, Tim Cowie and James Price. The resulting piece of […]

Projection, Models, Stop-Motion in Production: Lightsurgeons "Eight Questions" Video Built from Waste

Some interesting production techniques used in this video from the Lightsurgeons. This film was created entirely from the waste collected and produced during the Sapporo ICC International Creative Workshop 2008 that took place between 4th -14th March. It was led by Light Surgeons creatives Chris Allen, Tim Cowie and James Price. The resulting piece of […]

Projection, Models, Stop-Motion in Production: Lightsurgeons “Eight Questions” Video Built from Waste

Some interesting production techniques used in this video from the Lightsurgeons. This film was created entirely from the waste collected and produced during the Sapporo ICC International Creative Workshop 2008 that took place between 4th -14th March. It was led by Light Surgeons creatives Chris Allen, Tim Cowie and James Price. The resulting piece of […]

Generative iPod? Deep Modular, Generative Music System Bound for iPhone, Phones, Windows, Mac

Northwest Reef from Umcorps on Vimeo. Aside from being toy-like mini-computers, could mobile devices take on a musical usefulness all their own? At the Electronic Music Foundation’s 10th Anniversary Symposium in 2004, Morton Subotnik and fellow panelists imagined an iPod that, instead of playing canned music from your music library, would actually generate music for […]

Apple Reality Check: iPhone 3G is Just the Tip of the Mobile and Rich Media Iceberg

Screen grab: John Biehler For those of you who are interested, Apple’s WWDC keynote has focused today on the iPhone 3G and the iPhone SDK. Macworld has a nice live blow-by-blow. Here’s the bottom line for me. First, Apple has done an incredible job of demonstrating the potential of rich media apps in general, mobile […]