Chibitracker on DS; Favorite Trackers on the Road?

While we’re having a Nintendo DS-laden week, I thought I might mention that I got tipped off (thanks, Laurence) that the popular, multi-platform tracker Chibitracker has made its way to the DS. Consider this a rumor posted in the hopes of prodding the developer to release the ROM file. That said, readers, what’s your favorite […]

Nintendo DS as Hardware Step Sequencer

Hardware sequencers were a fantastic idea: you had a box that did nothing but sequence other gear. Then along came the computer, then the idea of trying to make the computer do absolutely everything all the time, and the standalone MIDI sequencer disappeared. In a bizarre twist of fate, it’s back — on Nintendo DS. […]

WiiWhorld Released: Generative Visuals with Wiimote and Windows

Aforementioned visual synthsizer slash exercise tool WiiWhorld has been released for public consumption. Jeff Mission has tied together GlovePIE (for Bluetooth/Wiimote input (previously on CDMo)), Whorld, and his own secret sauce (a GlovePIE script to control Whorld). Put them all together with a dash of virtual midi port, and you get this: Or as Jeff […]

Plug N Play Brisbane: New Visualist Meetup in Australia

Arise Brisbane visualists! For too long have our Melbourne, Sydney and Perthian sistren and brethren been meeting up, drinking beers and collaborating while we Briswegians remain locked away, alone, learning new stuff from textbooks and crying ourselves to sleep… Sorry, bit of a depressing start there. Let me rephrase: After a year touring with a […]

Will You Use Flickr for Video and Sharing Work?

One of the things I’ve really grown to appreciate over recent months is the rich communities on Flickr and Vimeo — Flickr for stills, Vimeo for videos. Each of those, incidentally, has very active groups around free visual tools vvvv (for Windows) and Processing (for everything). Unlike "big bucket" sites like YouTube, Vimeo in particular […]

Teaser: ammoBox Project Digitally Scratches … What?

Nathan Ramella has sent us a video of a new project called ammoBox. What is it? Well, I happen to know a bit about it, but Nathan has sworn me to secrecy, so I’ll just point out: It claims to be the "world’s first stream scratching, simul scratching, sequ scratching" Nathan was a co-creator of […]

Futuristic Music Design: Competitors, Judges, Teaser Videos and Photos

If you want new ideas about design and interaction, ask a musician. Before the Wii remote, the iPhone, Microsoft’s Surface, and Minority Report, musicians were trying oddball ideas for music performance. That hasn’t slowed down, either, from the futuristic and space-y to down-and-dirty acoustic techniques. We’ve got quite a gamut coming up for our madcap, […]

Ground Control Broadcasting Now: Space-tacular Music + Motion on

I’ll be live from the hangar, working to connect you virtually from around the globe. Photo: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid. Hello from Ground Control: this week, I’ll be coming to you live from CDM’s micro-blog for Yuri’s Night Bay Area, ground zero for the global space rave celebrating human exploration of the cosmos. CDM’s […]

More Vixid Mixer Hands-On: Tiago Pereira with VJX16-4

OMIRI com VIXID from mspinky23 on Vimeo. (Warning: Contains some NSFW imagery. Jaymis.) CDM’s Jaymis has just gotten his Vixid VJX16-4 mixer, but we continue getting other hands-on reports from VJs. This one comes from Tiago Pereira, who’s posted a video of him having some healthy play time. Thanks, Tiago — looks like you’re having […]