Layering, Blend Modes and Compositing: Vixid Mixer Video from Deepvisual

Deepvisual has posted a second Vixid demo video to VJForums, showing off the layer arrangement functions, preview selection, and blend mode layering: There is currently a VJX16-4 with my name on the box, en-route between France and Australia. It should be arriving in the next couple of days – just in time for a run […]

Beamz Laser Harp Makes Faux Music, Demeans Girl in Penguin Sweater

You’re not cool now? You will be, as your hands dance to the rhythm through the magical lasers. A few moments of your playing, and nothing could possibly convince me that you didn’t grow up on the streets of Jamaica, banging oil drums you salvaged and hammered into shape. Whoops, sorry — had to snap […]

Musics and Other Stuff on One Page at Alltop; How Do You Read?

RSS readers can be terrific; I use FeedDemon and NetNewsWire, both of which recently became free. (Yeah, after I bought them.) But sometimes it’s just too much to wade through RSS, especially after you get back from vacation. Alltop, a site headline aggregator, recently added CDM to its music page, and I’ve started using it […]

MIDI Software Plug-ins, Many Free, For Your MIDI Processing Needs

Sure, what with it being 2008 and all, “plug-in” to many people means audio processing. But what if you want an arpeggiator? Or something to harmonize incoming notes, or match them to scales? Or … well, just about anything else you can do with pitch and time with MIDI, from utilities to music effects? And […]

Elsewhere: Korg ZERO8 Mixer Video Review

Adam Dworak aka DJ Destruction writes to let us know he’s finished a video review of the ZERO8: Via the DJ Destruction blog. About halfway through, he gets to some hands-on demos with the internal effects and controllers, which demonstrates some of what makes the ZERO8 unique. Thanks for sharing this one, Adam! Adam’s rig […]

Make Your YouTube More Livable: I Have a Fast Connection Setting

We really prefer around here, but that doesn’t stop people from uploading video to YouTube — meaning you have to live with the results. You can make YouTube slightly less painful, however. Old news — the setting popped up a few weeks ago — but if you’re like me and haven’t changed your settings […]

Quartz Composer and GLSL in VDMX: Memo's Amoeba Dance

I’m sure I’m not the only visualist to have been inspired by Autechre’s Gantz Graf video, nor the only person to have watched it and though “some day, we will be able to do that in realtime”: I think we’re still quite a way off, but the latest project to set my mind thinking along […]

Quartz Composer and GLSL in VDMX: Memo’s Amoeba Dance

I’m sure I’m not the only visualist to have been inspired by Autechre’s Gantz Graf video, nor the only person to have watched it and though “some day, we will be able to do that in realtime”: I think we’re still quite a way off, but the latest project to set my mind thinking along […]

April Fool On Us: Moog Guitar is Real

It’s tough to pull off an April Fool’s joke in the age of the blogosphere, because on April 1, everyone’s RSS feeds are saturated with fake news. So, how do you fool people? With real news that seems outlandish enough to be a joke. It wouldn’t be the first time 4/1 became an auspicious date; […]

April Foolery Round-Up

Since it’s now April 2, the music technology April Foolishness has been revealed for what it is. Composer/educator Steve Horelick provided a sneak glimpse of future functionality in an “unreleased” version of Apple’s Logic Pro: Logic 303: Logic TNT … although I wouldn’t be surprised to see Region Animation in a future version of FL […]