Sonic Sampler: What’s Been Cooking in the CDM Forums?

Some of you might be surprised to learn that people don’t just read this blog, they also make music. Digital music. In fact, the Create Digital Noise forums have a whole active community of musicmakers, encompassing a broad range of styles, sensibilities, and production techniques. Let’s sift through some recent works by the CDM community, […]

VisualJockey Goes Freeware; Free Windows and Cross-Platform VJ – Visualist Round-Up

Blending patching, performance, and timeline metaphors, with a healthy dose of effects and sound capabilities, VisualJockey is a unique tool you can now have for free. Need an excuse to load Boot Camp, Mac users? The Mac may be in the spotlight these days, but Windows may boast the broadest access to freeware and open […]

909 and Amiga Sounds in Flash; Teaser for New Flash Music Environment

    It’s Flash 909, and Amiga Flash. Code wizard Andre Michelle has already made a name hacking audio capabilities into Adobe Flash and ActionScript 3. We got to see his work in the form of real-time audio effects processing in the GarageBand-like online sample-and-compose interface for Splice: Interview: How Has Taken Music Real Audio […]

Jeane Poole Reviews Live 7, Suite, with Handy Resource Round-up

Our friend Jeane Poole, who hails from the island continent pictured in the screen grab, has a terrific overview review of Live 7 — the upgraded app and suite. And, bonus, there’s some good resources for plug-ins and learning, to boot. The verdict:

Rectangles Can Be Sexy: Live VJ Installation

Fixate from Aaron Sjogren on Vimeo. Aaron Sjogren shares this VJ test set from an installation last week. It raises an important point — even as we’ve talked about the importance of getting “out of the box,” rectangles can be cool, too. (Notice: combining multiple 4:3 rectangles already means you escape the bland aspect ratio.) […]

Want to Encourage CD Sales? Add Crack, Guns

An RIAA/District Attorney training video warns about the dangers of CD spindles. But what could be inside? Photo: Hackintosh, apparently the Martha Stewart of hacker cuisine based on this innovation. Suffice to say, we at CDM discourage pirating music. I should hasten to add, though, that we’re also generally opposed to terrorism, illegal firearms, and […]

Free Faux Bent Instruments

Pristine digital technology — some people just can’t resist putting it in the service of recreating grungier, noisier sound-producing tech. Hot on the heels of Indirect-to-Digital – by-way-of-tape samples of the TR606 and 808, here are some digital recreations of circuit-bent noisemakers. Of course, I generally prefer to see circuit bending producing actual, DIY hardware […]

We Need Your Help: Support CDM’s Future

First and foremost, thank you. In just over three years of CDM — and roughly five thousand stories on Create Digital Music and Create Digital Motion — you have blown me away. You’ve shared countless news tips, ideas, discussion, projects, art and music, and helped create a unique spot on the Web. That success allows […]

Support CDM: Help Us Build the Visualist Site of the Future

I couldn’t be more excited than I am now about the future of After starting out in the shadow of, CDMo has some good stuff coming, and we owe that to your enthusiasm, feedback, and the great work you’re doing. To do all that we really want, and to continue to support CDM’s […]