Gizmodo Uses TV-B-Gone Screen Killer for Evil

In case you haven’t seen it, several readers wrote in to tell us about how the “journalists” at Gizmodo went around CES disabling video screens. The invention used to do it — the TV-B-Gone — is capable of far more worthy goals, like disabling the invasive crap on Fox News at an airport. (Addendum: unless […]

CES: Intel Embraces Mobile Linux Audio Production

Quick: you’ve got to sell UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC’s) to a mass market! How to do it? Well, Intel decided to show off pro audio and music production on the Linux-based Transmission, from Trinity Audio, as we saw earlier this week. I’m not entirely sure what got Intel thinking our geeky way, but I’m going […]

All-Kaossilator Album Makes Korg King, Plus Not-Quite-All Monome Albums

All Kaoss, All the Time: In a world of endless choices, what happens to the creative power of limitations? Back in November, we saw Norman Fairbanks make an album entirely on Tenori-On, Yamaha’s interactive blinking-lights button pad. “Ah,” you said. “But that sounds suspiciously like the music of Toshio Iwai, the Tenori-On’s composer-inventor. And it […]

Temper (Win), The $50 Sequencer for MIDI Aficionados?

  MIDI is back, baby. Or to say it another way: musicians still care about how to manipulate notes, rhythms, and timbral control. That means that, for all the powerful audio-warping tools you pack into a product, the compositional, musical power of software lives and dies on MIDI. But can you really do MIDI any […]

Visualizing Data, and Data as Art

Regine at We Make Money Not Art has a fantastic overview (summarizing a recent workshop) of presenting data and numbers visually: Visualizing: tracing an aesthetics of data It’s a great read; well worth working through the whole thing. The art of presenting data more expressively is exploding fast. It was a big part of the […]

Radiohead’s Scotch Mist: An Hour of In Rainbows Goodness

Current TV has the full hour of Scotch Mist, an hour-long taping of Radiohead performing In Rainbows. I have to say, while I enjoyed the album, I think this top-to-bottom performance has even more soul in it; you really get a sense of the focus and craft of the songs as they’re played live. Oh, […]

More OpenSoundControl Goodness: OSCulator for Mac, Now with 3D Mice and AppleScript

More reasons you love OSC? You can get input from a SpaceNavigator 3D mouse, and translate the data into Max/MSP/Jitter, Quartz Composer, VDMX5 (as mentioned earlier today), Processing, and other tools — plus everything else, via MIDI. The solution: the inexpensive Mac utility OSCulator, covered this evening over on CDMusic: OSCulator for Mac: Alternative Control, […]

OSCulator for Mac: Alternative Control, Now with 3D Mice, AppleScript, Combos

Want to make music and motion with unusual inputs, like Wii controllers, Lemur multi-touch touchscreens, Monomes, and (now) 3D mice? OSCulator is a wonderful app that supports OpenSoundControl and sends MIDI events, with support for some hardware that can’t be supported any other way. The new 2.5 version adds new stuff: SpaceNavigator 3D mouse device […]

Get AmpliTube, Ampeg Amp Software Free if You’re A Pro Tools User

The folks at IK Multimedia are sending free software to users of Pro Tools — anyone with a copy of Pro Tools LE or HD. (Apparently no love for Pro Tools M-Powered owners.) You get AmpliTube 2 DUO; it’s not the full AmpliTube 2, but it’s no slouch, with tuner, stomp, amp, cabinet+microphone, two models […]