CDM Asks: What’s the Best, Low-End Visualist Camcorder?

Quite a few of you raised an eyebrow when we topped our gift guide with the Canon HV20, an affordable (as little as us$700) HDV camcorder. Like the New England Patriots (that’s American football for the rest of the world), the Canon HV20 appears to be largely unbeaten as the best-available visualist-friendly camera. It’s small, […]

New Low-Priced Euphonix Control Surfaces, Leaked Early?

An anonymous readers tips us off on new control surfaces from Euphonix, a maker usually known for products at the higher end of the market. Whether this was an intentional post or not (it looks like you can pre-order the product), it’s definitely something new, and could mean you get a little Euphonix love in […]

Deckadance DJ Software Now in Beta for Mac

Ed.: Deckadance DJ software has been on our radar for some time on the DJ software front: lots of MIDI control (with one caveat; see below), agnostic support for multiple vinyl timecode systems, and most interestingly the ability to run the whole app as a VST plug-in. Dreams of loading Deckadance into Ableton Live danced […]

Free Interactive Snowflake Generator (Quartz Composer Composition)

Here in Los Angeles the weather is currently sunny and warm – great for going to the park, but not so much for creating that Xmas/New Year’s Wintry feeling. Here’s a patch you can use to fill the room with snowy interactive goodness. Fire up your Projector, Big Screen TV, or Wrist-worn LCD Display and […]

Ribbons Elsewhere: Martenot Round-up

Photo: THEfunkyman, who has lots of other wonderful instruments in his galleries on Flickr. The Martenot is a bit like the Theremin’s sexy, friendly younger sister. If the Theremin is a tricky-to-drive race car, the Martenot is a sleek, road-ready coupe. (Okay, I’ve been watching way, way too much Top Gear.) Anyway, the Martenot gets […]

Holiday Cheeriness: A Crazy Interactive Shirt Display

Cheer, indeed. We know how badly many of you want to get out from behind your laptop and out into a venue once in a while. Here’s a solution: wear your display. And it helps if that display has the insane interactive capabilities that this one does. Marco Tempest of writes CDMo: A little […]

Happy Visualist Season: Say it with Processing!

As good will spreads through the season, people are getting expressive with more than just paper. Toxi, aka Karsten Schmidt, sends along this Processing-based interactive 3d card: simple but elegant and definitely something different to find in your mailbox. Postspectacular Xmas You may need to “trust” the applet for 3D-in-browser, sadly (usually only the first […]

Hear a Robot Read A Christmas Carol on iPod, and More Holiday Cheer

The above awesomeness: a Minifig Christmas Carol, via Flickr. IVO Software, a Polish company that develops text-to-speech software, have announced they’re making a free PDF of A Christmas Carol available for download on their site. The idea is, you take this PDF, then unleash their Expressivo text-to-speech tool on it. Sure, every actor from Patrick […]