Tenori-On: Hands-on, Chat with Yamaha’s Yu Nishibori, on CNET

Donald Bell, aka electronic musician Chachi Jones, nabs what I believe is the first hands-on time with the LED-and-button-laden Tenori-On digital instrument on American shores. Yamaha’s Yu Nishibori stopped by the music tech boutique Robotspeak in San Francisco for a chat; I got to play Robotspeak in January and it’s a brilliant place. Donald recorded […]

Elsewhere: Throw Away Your Drums, Plus a Hands-On with eSession

David Battino sends along this image. What’s wrong with this photo? Yeah, I guess once you have a Roland Handsonic and M-Audio Trigger Finger you don’t really need drums, huh? Your neighbors / roommate / significant other / Mom are going to clip that sentence out and paste it to your studio door. I’d be […]

Mix Online To Offer Monthly Game Audio Digital Magazine

Speaking of gaming, here’s more news that the fledgling game audio and music area is getting more attention — something that we at CDM see as very good news. (See our sometimes-obsessive gaming stories.) CDM’s resident game composer and sound designer checks in … In an e-mail he sent to me yesterday, Peter pointed out […]

Web: Want to Break Into Games? Nextcat Adds Listings

Amidst the social networking crap, there are gems offering real resources. Nextcat lies somewhere between LinkedIn and MySpace, offering places to connect with professionals in a range of fields. The site was founded by two Berklee College of Music alums, an alma mater for a number of our readers. I’m guessing "modeling" applies to very […]

Mailbag: A Christmas Question – Too Much Techno?

CDM receives all sorts of fascinating emails, and it’s about time — especially in the spirit of holiday giving — that we share them. Cheryl writes us: interested in your dj11.My son who has the gifted ear for music has it on his x-mas list.Wondering if this is too much tecno for a precussor to […]

noatikl: New Generative Music Engine, So You Can Rock Out Like Eno

Soundscape #1 from Umcorps on Vimeo. Tired of waiting for Spore, the upcoming Will Wright game that will feature organic, generative music by musical legend Brian Eno instead of … looping … the same 8 bars of audio … over and over again? Want to explore your own oblique strategies in music making and create […]

Wormhole2: Tool Routes Audio Over Networks, Now Open Source

Wormhole2 is a powerful, cross-platform (Windows + Mac) VST plug-in capable of transmitting audio between computers over networks. It allows effects chain routing between networked computers, boasts low-latency performance on LANs, and even works over WiFi or Firewire. But Wormhole2’s niche audience kept it from catching on more widely, and we hadn’t heard much from […]

Weekend Inspiration: Vintage TVs – Planetarium Projectors – Giant Screens

I could not help but post these. How can you resist a Zeiss Mark I planetarium projector, a 1929 French Semivisor or a 150 foot Radio Telescope as a screen?. You can’t. At least, I can’t. Check out these Oobject series for more visualist inspired gear-porn. Im not a gear whore, but I find these […]

Open Source Visuals – Pure Data Videopedia & Processing OpenGL Workshops

Function Field Sytem by Voltage Controlled – made with Pure Data/GEM/PDP/PiDiP Open Source software can be hard to approach sometimes, especially DIY programming environments, so there is some good news for those wanting to get started with two leading open source packages for performance. Pure Data – the open source dataflow/patching environment now has a […]

Open Source Visuals – Pure Data Videopedia & Processing OpenGL Workshops

Function Field Sytem by Voltage Controlled – made with Pure Data/GEM/PDP/PiDiP Open Source software can be hard to approach sometimes, especially DIY programming environments, so there is some good news for those wanting to get started with two leading open source packages for performance. Pure Data – the open source dataflow/patching environment now has a […]