In case you haven’t seen it, several readers wrote in to tell us about how the “journalists” at Gizmodo went around CES disabling video screens. The invention used to do it — the TV-B-Gone — is capable of far more worthy goals, like disabling the invasive crap on Fox News at an airport. (Addendum: unless […]
CES: Intel Embraces Mobile Linux Audio Production
Quick: you’ve got to sell UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC’s) to a mass market! How to do it? Well, Intel decided to show off pro audio and music production on the Linux-based Transmission, from Trinity Audio, as we saw earlier this week. I’m not entirely sure what got Intel thinking our geeky way, but I’m going […]
All-Kaossilator Album Makes Korg King, Plus Not-Quite-All Monome Albums
All Kaoss, All the Time: In a world of endless choices, what happens to the creative power of limitations? Back in November, we saw Norman Fairbanks make an album entirely on Tenori-On, Yamaha’s interactive blinking-lights button pad. “Ah,” you said. “But that sounds suspiciously like the music of Toshio Iwai, the Tenori-On’s composer-inventor. And it […]
Temper (Win), The $50 Sequencer for MIDI Aficionados?
MIDI is back, baby. Or to say it another way: musicians still care about how to manipulate notes, rhythms, and timbral control. That means that, for all the powerful audio-warping tools you pack into a product, the compositional, musical power of software lives and dies on MIDI. But can you really do MIDI any […]
Visualizing Data, and Data as Art
Regine at We Make Money Not Art has a fantastic overview (summarizing a recent workshop) of presenting data and numbers visually: Visualizing: tracing an aesthetics of data It’s a great read; well worth working through the whole thing. The art of presenting data more expressively is exploding fast. It was a big part of the […]
Radiohead’s Scotch Mist: An Hour of In Rainbows Goodness
Current TV has the full hour of Scotch Mist, an hour-long taping of Radiohead performing In Rainbows. I have to say, while I enjoyed the album, I think this top-to-bottom performance has even more soul in it; you really get a sense of the focus and craft of the songs as they’re played live. Oh, […]
More OpenSoundControl Goodness: OSCulator for Mac, Now with 3D Mice and AppleScript
More reasons you love OSC? You can get input from a SpaceNavigator 3D mouse, and translate the data into Max/MSP/Jitter, Quartz Composer, VDMX5 (as mentioned earlier today), Processing, and other tools — plus everything else, via MIDI. The solution: the inexpensive Mac utility OSCulator, covered this evening over on CDMusic: OSCulator for Mac: Alternative Control, […]
OSCulator for Mac: Alternative Control, Now with 3D Mice, AppleScript, Combos
Want to make music and motion with unusual inputs, like Wii controllers, Lemur multi-touch touchscreens, Monomes, and (now) 3D mice? OSCulator is a wonderful app that supports OpenSoundControl and sends MIDI events, with support for some hardware that can’t be supported any other way. The new 2.5 version adds new stuff: SpaceNavigator 3D mouse device […]
Get AmpliTube, Ampeg Amp Software Free if You’re A Pro Tools User
The folks at IK Multimedia are sending free software to users of Pro Tools — anyone with a copy of Pro Tools LE or HD. (Apparently no love for Pro Tools M-Powered owners.) You get AmpliTube 2 DUO; it’s not the full AmpliTube 2, but it’s no slouch, with tuner, stomp, amp, cabinet+microphone, two models […]