Deckadance DJ Software Now in Beta for Mac

Ed.: Deckadance DJ software has been on our radar for some time on the DJ software front: lots of MIDI control (with one caveat; see below), agnostic support for multiple vinyl timecode systems, and most interestingly the ability to run the whole app as a VST plug-in. Dreams of loading Deckadance into Ableton Live danced […]

Free Interactive Snowflake Generator (Quartz Composer Composition)

Here in Los Angeles the weather is currently sunny and warm – great for going to the park, but not so much for creating that Xmas/New Year’s Wintry feeling. Here’s a patch you can use to fill the room with snowy interactive goodness. Fire up your Projector, Big Screen TV, or Wrist-worn LCD Display and […]

Ribbons Elsewhere: Martenot Round-up

Photo: THEfunkyman, who has lots of other wonderful instruments in his galleries on Flickr. The Martenot is a bit like the Theremin’s sexy, friendly younger sister. If the Theremin is a tricky-to-drive race car, the Martenot is a sleek, road-ready coupe. (Okay, I’ve been watching way, way too much Top Gear.) Anyway, the Martenot gets […]

Holiday Cheeriness: A Crazy Interactive Shirt Display

Cheer, indeed. We know how badly many of you want to get out from behind your laptop and out into a venue once in a while. Here’s a solution: wear your display. And it helps if that display has the insane interactive capabilities that this one does. Marco Tempest of writes CDMo: A little […]

Happy Visualist Season: Say it with Processing!

As good will spreads through the season, people are getting expressive with more than just paper. Toxi, aka Karsten Schmidt, sends along this Processing-based interactive 3d card: simple but elegant and definitely something different to find in your mailbox. Postspectacular Xmas You may need to “trust” the applet for 3D-in-browser, sadly (usually only the first […]

Hear a Robot Read A Christmas Carol on iPod, and More Holiday Cheer

The above awesomeness: a Minifig Christmas Carol, via Flickr. IVO Software, a Polish company that develops text-to-speech software, have announced they’re making a free PDF of A Christmas Carol available for download on their site. The idea is, you take this PDF, then unleash their Expressivo text-to-speech tool on it. Sure, every actor from Patrick […]

VIDEO-SL Vinyl + Video: Beta Hands-on From DJ Steel

We’re planning an in-depth test of the new visual vinyl plug-in for Serato’s Scratch LIVE, VIDEO-SL, but in the meantime, one beta tester has already got his hands on it. DJ Steel puts together a pretty clear demonstration of what VIDEO-SL does and what makes it special, particularly in regards to comparing something like Virtual […]

New on CDMotion: Scratching Vinyl, Coveting Toys, Plugging and Playing a Visual Jams

We know what visualists like, we know want visualists want. Whatever holiday you celebrate in December, you’ll be really happy if it involves you getting cash to buy this stuff. But it’s not all a material world — much joy can be had from free inspiration, free software, and free learning — really. Some readers […]