Logic vs. Final Cut: Installation Problem Solved

We’re here on the road looking to capture and edit HDV on the go. I pop in my Final Cut Studio install disc to try out on my loaner MacBook Pro, and — huh? It skips installation of Final Cut Pro no matter what I do? Turns out the culprit is installing Logic Studio, then […]

Free Wavosaur: Wonderful Windows Audio Editor with VST

Wavosaur is a free audio editor for Windows that just hit version 1.0. It’s really good stuff: not only is it free, but the whole app is tiny (488kb), it’s designed to fit on a portable USB key, it hosts VSTs, and it’s an elegant waveform editor reminiscent of early versions of SoundForge. Even if […]

Nine Oddball Sound Design and Recording Techniques from VideoHelper

VideoHelper, a sound production house, has a new library of sounds they call “narrative sound design,” a combination of “experimental” sound designs. You may have already heard some of the sounds from the two-disc collection, “Modules”, as the sounds have popped up in trailers for the likes of Spiderman 3, House of Wax, and Transformers. […]

Developer to Users: Boycott iLok and PACE

Updated: A PACE Anti-Piracy official has officially requested that we remove an image of the iLok product. While they asked not to be publicly quoted, they have challenged the technical accuracy of Adam’s blog post, saying they don’t believe their product caused the Blue Screen of Death. If PACE chooses to release an official reply, […]

AudioFinder 4.7 for Mac in Beta: Integrated Sample Editor

Speaking of sample management on the Mac, AudioFinder, the popular sample utility, is now in beta of its version 4.7. The new release integrates a basic waveform editor for quick adjustments to sound files. From the software’s forum: This is not a new audio editor to compete with Peak, DSP Quatro or Wave Edit. This […]

Leopard: Incompatibilities with JACK, Soundflower; Finder Audio Previews

Generally, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard has been working pretty well for most users, though we continue to hear a number of complaints about compatibility with M-Audio hardware. There are some annoyances, though, including one glitch as far as routing audio between apps. Updated: the good news is, this is fixable. In the “bad” category, […]

Weekend Inspiration: Gondry + Bjork, Video and Image Candy, NIN Remix

5 minute preview for new Michel Gondry Björk video – via videos.antville.org Every weekend Create Digital Motion will (try to) feature some small doses of inspirational material – things we find compelling enough to get our creative juices flowing – and hopefully yours as well. First up: videos.antville.org – Users submit new and old music […]

CDM in AU: Peter and Jaymis' Meatspace Meeting at ByteMe Fest in Perth

It has happened! Peter and I are finally inhabiting adjacent physical spaces, which is cause for Considerable Excitement amongst ourselves and the assembled visualistadors. Yesterday was extremely busy as we flew from Brisbane to Perth, found our hotel, found my gear, setup and soundchecked for a little post-opening-party gig with Bobby, charged to and from […]

CDM in AU: Peter and Jaymis’ Meatspace Meeting at ByteMe Fest in Perth

It has happened! Peter and I are finally inhabiting adjacent physical spaces, which is cause for Considerable Excitement amongst ourselves and the assembled visualistadors. Yesterday was extremely busy as we flew from Brisbane to Perth, found our hotel, found my gear, setup and soundchecked for a little post-opening-party gig with Bobby, charged to and from […]