Cakewalk SONAR 7 Features at a Glance, MIDI at Center Stage

Not to be outdone by Logic Pro 8’s launch last week, Cakewalk has let slip the basic feature set of their latest version of their flagship SONAR DAW, with upgrades available immediately. What’s new — with an interesting emphasis on MIDI: A new step sequencer, looking reminiscent of tools like FL Studio (Fruity Loops), though […]

Making Art with the Mundane: Subverting Office for Mac, From Devo to DMCA Violations

Numbers make beautiful art — especially illegal numbers. There’s something beautiful about making art with mundane tools, making something creative with something because, not simply in spite of, its limitations. And there’s likewise something surreal about Microsoft’s latest ad campaign for Office for the Mac: get artists to make subversive art with its old version […]

Flickr Screen Grabs: Infinite Video Theremin, Odd, Free Musical Interfaces

Tommy responds to our call for screen grabs of software with this fascinating Jitter patch: He writes: used lloopp and jitter runtime to make this instrument that uses a firewire camera as a source for effecting sound generators. i like this shot because of the video feedback. What’s lloopp? Glad you asked. It’s a live […]

Soft Flickr Finds: Obscenely Complex Bass Effects on a Single Channel

As the last couple of decades have led to making music in software, some of the materiality of physical instruments is lost. No matter how much you love your hardware synths, odds are you spent at least a little time looking into the void of a computer screen. And to the public, much of that […]

Monome 256 in Action, Availability Soon

The original Monome 40h music (and other media) controller has been replaced by new models, led by the new 256, a 16×16 grid. The buttons are smaller, retaining the approximate size and form factor of the original, but you get more buttons, a wooden case, and other improvements. Pre-orders are set for September 26. Lots […]

Tenori-On Review, Tenori-On Limitations, Tenori-On Fatigue?

As I’m located outside the UK, I’ve been unable to get a TENORI-ON for review. This may be just as well; I’ve got a custom Monome project that’s filling up a bit of my time. Nick has an extensive, detailed video review for Sonic State, since we don’t: Review page from our friends at Sonic […]

Logic Upgrade, Free For Buyers Back to August 1?

Via comments, cyberpatrolunit has found information on Apple’s upgrade policy for Logic Pro Studio 8. Talked to someone at Apple today; they told me that ANYONE who made a Logic purchase on Aug 1st or after is going to get the free upgrade. WooHoo! Of course, that still means you’re out the US$500 difference after […]

Zoom H2 Mobile Recorder Collaborative Review, Resources on O’Reilly

Our friend David Battino writes from O’Reilly Digital Media site to share the massive reader response they got to the Zoom H2 recorder. (The H2 is a smaller version of the H4, which made a guest appearance of sorts on Morning Edition this week.) Mark Nelson didn’t manage to make this his fifth portable flash […]

Rutt-Etra Restoration in NYC

VJ-U has posted a wonderful livecast on Operator 11 featuring the restoration of 3 Rutt-Etra raster analog video synthesizers. I was fortunate enough to be invited to check the machines out in person and have some time to try and help out. Mathew Schlanger and Benton C Bainbridge help explain the history and unique capability […]

Windows Does Jack: Multi-App Audio on Mac, Linux, and Now PC

There’s something to be said for making connections in hardware studios: if you’ve got the cables, you can make it happen. In the world of the computer, it’s another story. The vision of Jack is to make routing audio between software as flexible. As the creators put it: Have you ever wanted to take the […]