Worst Publicist Nightmare: Electronic Musicians Like Future Sound of London

Finding a PR spin is often a challenge for artists, particularly when people delve into experimental electronica. Here’s how Future Sound of London, erm, “sugar coats” their work, circa the early 90s: Choice quotes: On sampling: It’s a way of lying. “I’m wasn’t the girl screaming in the park. That wasn’t me … She did […]

Maker Faire 2007 in Photos

Maker Faire this weekend had plenty to offer fans of DIY musical gear, from Theremin karaoke performances to wild, home-built instruments from independent DIYers and academics. I spent most of the weekend tied to my booth, making music by scanning barcodes, manipulating a simple infrared sensor and touch sensor, and running live interactive visuals in […]

VISP Visual Performer, Built in Apollo: Teaser

Mike Creighton has published a preview and overview of his VJ performance application VISP, visual performer. What is interesting about VISP is that it leverages Adobes Apollo framework to allow cross platform applications built in Flash. I wont pretend to have enough Flash-fu to explain it in detail, but fortunately Mike does. Jump over to […]

Hello, Maker Faire Attendees

Hello, coming to you live from San Mateo and the Maker Faire hosted by Make Magazine. If you stopped by the CDM booth today, I hope you stick around a while. This site, for musicians, DJs, composers, and soundmakers, covers the audible side. Create Digital Motion covers VJing and live and interactive visuals (for an […]

This Week In Synths: The First Buchla 500, Buchla 200e Rock, ARP 2500 Demo and Repair

The Buchla 500 at CalArts A little bit of Buchla synth history via Peter Grenader of Plan b. That giant modular in the background is the Buchla 500, the rarest of the rare in the modular synth world. It is possible there were only three ever in existence. “The following flckr stream [link] was from […]

Darnit, We're Out Being Visualists — But Back Soon

Jaymis and I are out in Meatspace being visualists, leaving little time to, you know, blog and such. Here’s how to find us: If you’re in Australia, find a big rockstar with big hair (listen for screaming girls and boys), and Jaymis will surely be nearby. If you’re in the Bay Area of California, find […]

Darnit, We’re Out Being Visualists — But Back Soon

Jaymis and I are out in Meatspace being visualists, leaving little time to, you know, blog and such. Here’s how to find us: If you’re in Australia, find a big rockstar with big hair (listen for screaming girls and boys), and Jaymis will surely be nearby. If you’re in the Bay Area of California, find […]

CDM @ Maker Faire: Events All Weekend, Reports Next Week

I’m in Meatspace largely at the moment, with a weekend packed with events at the Maker Faire. There are plenty of DIY music and motion projects here, and they’ll all be within spitting distance of my booth. Add to that performance events Friday and Saturday, and it’s looking like a great weekend. If you’re not […]

Max/MSP 4.6.3: Beaucoup Bug Fixes

Debugging is a never-ending process, especially for music software which must interact with operating systems, drivers, and other software changing simultaneously. Programs like Max are a unique case, as users are building their own software inside someone else’s software environment. Here’s the latest for Max: Even as Cycling ’74 is working on Max 5, Max/MSP […]

“Loudness War”: Music Over-Compression, Demonstrated on YouTube

Talk to everyone from armchair music production critics to dyed-in-the-wool pro engineers, and you’re likely to hear about how today’s records are over-compressed. (We think this is what Bob Dylan meant when he said records “have sound all over them.” But we made fun of him anyway.) To audio lay people, though, it may be […]