Why is Apple’s Support for Java Multimedia So Poor?

It’s ironic to me that so many users of the superb, Java-based Processing multimedia tool seem to prefer the Mac, because Mac Java support seems downright anemic. Mac users have long complained that, since Apple develops their own Java support for Mac OS X, the platform tends to lag behind Sun’s releases. That to me […]

NASA Yuri’s Night Rave: Space is the Place

Adding to our running tally of totally geeky events, electronic musician Chachi Jones writes with a report from the Yuri’s Night party at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Sure, Yuri’s Night events, in honor of the great space explorer cosmonaut, take place all over the world. But when it hits Ames, you get a full-blown rave […]

Circuit-Bent Events: Bent Fest NYC Now; Bent Notes from LA and MN

Bent gear aplenty in Minnesota, in this Flickr photo from circuitmaster (GetLoFi). The Bent Festival, a celebration of music electronic, circuit-bent, and otherwise technologically manipulated, reaches its final US city starting tonight (Thursday) through Saturday, with three days and nights of music and workshops. Check out the lineup on the Bent NYC site; I’ll be […]

LittleGPTracker: LSDJ-Style Music Tracker for Linux Game Systems, Windows, and Mac

As seen in the video from last month’s Music Makers event, LittleGPTracker is a tracker for Linux-based GP2X and GP32 systems. The GP-series boxes are terrific little game machines that, unlike proprietary commercial game systems from Sony and Nintendo, are completely open. (Well, even if there is a certain pleasure to hacking PSPs, Game Boys, […]

Celebrating Paper, Tonight in Brooklyn

Tonight CDM joins with MAKE, Popular Science, Etsy, and Instructables in an event celebrating all things made out of paper. My own interpretation is to mess with the concept a bit, and build a MIDI sequencer/sampler that works with barcodes. If you do make it, bring your favorite magazine/book barcode and we’ll see how it […]

Etsy Video: Handmade Music Geekfest, MIDI Slime, Shock Gloves, GP Tracker

Vanessa from Etsy shot a great video of last month’s Handmade Music, sponsored by CDM, MAKE, and Etsy Labs. See me chatting about the idea and why working with tools like Reaktor and Max/MSP/Jitter is DIY, too, plus Eric Singer demonstrating the Sonic Banana and Slime-o-Tron slime-to-MIDI interface, Herr Professor showing off his portable GP […]

Hi Dynamic Range Photography: It's Easy, It Looks Super Awesome

If you read websites on the interwebs I’m sure you’ve encountered the phenomenon of “High Dynamic Range” photography, or HDR as it’s affectionately known. It’s not a new thing, the HDR Flickr Group contains over 50,000 images. I’ve had “Make with the HDR, then make the HDR timelapse” on my potential projects list for a […]

Hi Dynamic Range Photography: It’s Easy, It Looks Super Awesome

If you read websites on the interwebs I’m sure you’ve encountered the phenomenon of “High Dynamic Range” photography, or HDR as it’s affectionately known. It’s not a new thing, the HDR Flickr Group contains over 50,000 images. I’ve had “Make with the HDR, then make the HDR timelapse” on my potential projects list for a […]

Red Announces a Professional Pocket Camera, 4K Projectors, 4K Displays

Mike has reported some new facts from RED on HD4NDS, concerning the next moves for this industry-challenging company. 1.) A “professional pocket camera” – also referred to elsewhere as a handheld camera 2.) A “new line of 4K projectors” 3.) A “new line of 4K displays” I asked “Plural on both?” he said “Plural on […]

Emergency Broadcast Network: 90s Video Artists, with Projection Vehicles and Missiles

Mashups. Sampling a President named Bush. Bah. In the early 90s, life was better. Multimedia collective Emergency Broadcast Network was sampling found footage in truly clever ways — using VHS, artifacts and all. And driving around in massive projection assault vehicles with rotating satellite dishes. And building rockets into golf bags. Really. Now that’s my […]