Staring at the Sun, Now in 3D

It’s a huge disappointment: the best eye candy on earth causes blindness. And it’s a little hard to see, even as our closest star. Enter NASA, with the solution: the first-ever stereo three-dimensional images of the sun. STEREO: First 3-D Images of the Sun NASA’s Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) satellites have provided the first […]

Grand Piano Visual Superinstruments: The Rich Rockstar Way and the Ghetto Way

Live visual instruments often lack that … certain something. Other than occasional oddities like the Livid Viditar, generally visual performance instruments just don’t have the panache of musical instruments. The solution: pack a bunch of hardware into the body of a white-lacquered grand piano, of course! (What, that seemed like a logical leap?) As seen […]

NI Elektrik Piano 1.5: Universal Binary, New Features

Native Instruments has tweaked their Elektrik Piano, finally adding Universal Binary support for Intel Macs. Unlike the Vokator and Spektral Delay updates, though, there are some new features for everyone to enjoy. The samples are the same, but everything else has gotten an update:

BabyGrandMaster: DJ/VJ Studio Packed into a Piano

Imagine every single piece of gear you have on your wish list. Then imagine a baby grand piano, lacquered in white. Then imagine — you know, for the sake of practicality — you want to use the piano as a projection surface. And sound system. And then imagine you just mash all those ideas into […]

This Week In Synths: Max Mathews, Synths in Second Life, Synths by Perry, Barbie Synthi, and the Polivoks

Max Mathews and 50 Years of Computer Music “Fifty years ago, in 1957, at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Max Mathews demonstrated that the digital computer can be used as a fantastic new musical instrument. He created a revolutionary software platform destined to form the basis of all contemporary digital musical systems. His audacious ideas were driven […]

Dance + Technology at Ideas in Motion, Boston Cyberarts

I’m boarding a Greyhound bus for Boston and the Ideas in Motion weekend of Boston Cyberarts, two packed days of events on dance, motion, interactive technology, artificial intelligence, and augmented bodies: Boston Cyberarts Festival 2007 – Ideas in Motion: The Body’s Limit If you’re in Boston, stop by and see us! I’ve been preparing two […]

Got Paper-Based Music Projects?

Next week in Brooklyn I’ll be collaborating again with MAKE:Magazine, Etsy, and Popular Science. This month’s theme: paper. Paper Projects Night [] Even if you’re not in the New York area, if you’ve got a paper-based music project of some kind — instruments (working) made out of paper, interactive paper sculpture, whatever, drop me a […]

Kitten Does Electro 101; Where are the Synth Pooches?

Pictures of cats and blogging are a cliche — but that cliche happens to be true. And it extends down the long tail (ahem, so to speak) to our little niches. Yes, there really is a blog dedicated to pictures of cats and synths. Not weirded out yet? Via Matrixsynth earlier this month (and evidently […]

Retro Ad: Portable Panasonic VCR, Future of Jazz Dance

In 1983, Panasonic presented a bold future of videography, one in which cameras adjusted exposure and focus all by themselves, and we would sling portable VCRs over our arm to film ourselves doing interpretive jazz dance as the sun set over the Pacific. We would have terrific legs and short shorts, and dance with the […]

RED News from Mike in the RED Booth at NAB

HD4NDS’ Mike has been working at the RED booth at NAB, and has a post filled with exclusive stuff, including a short film Peter Jackson shot with the cameras, new RED products coming, and photos with production versions of the camera. Check it out! [tags]RED, cameras, NAB, HD4NDS, HDV, HD[/tags]