Reed Ghazala’s flickr Set: From Circuit Bending to Digital Art to Generally Crazy Ideas

Reed Ghazala, the father of circuit bending and a truly unique artist, sends along the wacky world of his paintbox, now upgraded for the Web 2.0 age as a flickr set. He writes: “I just put up a flickr gallery your patrons might like, fulla all kinds of Make-ish (and Mac-ish) stuff. “Maybe your online […]

Songs in the Key of PSP: PSP Rhythm 6.1, Song Contest

Make your PSP into a beatbox and turn it into a Speak & Spell — cool! PSP Rhythm, the homebrew drum machine for the PSP, just keeps on rolling. The song contest I covered in July is now complete. Ah, but what kind of music can you create with a lowly PSP homebrew app? Something […]

Go Grab Those Ableton Live 6 Betas!

As the release of Live 6 nears, more beta serials are available, so if you’re the bleeding edge type, go grab it here: Ableton Beta Serials As each beta fills up, that list closes again, so if you’re not successful give it another go. Of course, this may be moot, as we may have a […]

Cycling ’74: Max/MSP/Jitter 4.6.2 – 1.6.2 for Mac and Windows, More Universal Binaries, Pluggo on Intel Macs

Cycling ’74 just updated darn near everything they make: New Universal Binaries: Mode, Hipno, and UpMix are all Intel-native. But the big news is that Pluggo, the long-beloved C74 plug-in library, is available — meaning you should also be able to turn your Max compositions into Intel-native plug-ins. Max/MSP 4.6.2 / Jitter 1.6.2: Max 4.6/Jitter […]

Zen of Quartz Composer: Behind the Screens of plasq's Hit sqreensavers

When Apple released the free visual synthesizer tool Quartz Composer as part of Mac OS X 10.4, they hoped developers would take it up and create gorgeous eye candy. Keith Lang, part of the plasq team that created hit Mac software like Comic Life, has done just that with a new set of screensavers and […]

Zen of Quartz Composer: Behind the Screens of plasq’s Hit sqreensavers

When Apple released the free visual synthesizer tool Quartz Composer as part of Mac OS X 10.4, they hoped developers would take it up and create gorgeous eye candy. Keith Lang, part of the plasq team that created hit Mac software like Comic Life, has done just that with a new set of screensavers and […]

We're Back!

Thanks for your patience here at Create Digital Motion. I had been away for a week at a workshop on designing interactive installations with Flash at the Anderson Ranch, and my co-editor Jaymis had an emergency to deal with. We’re now back in action, and Flash fans, I’ll have plenty to share if you’re up […]

We’re Back!

Thanks for your patience here at Create Digital Motion. I had been away for a week at a workshop on designing interactive installations with Flash at the Anderson Ranch, and my co-editor Jaymis had an emergency to deal with. We’re now back in action, and Flash fans, I’ll have plenty to share if you’re up […]

Ableton Live 6 Crossfader Curves; Live Wiki

Ableton snuck a feature into a late beta of Live 6 that will make many users very happy indeed: crossfader curves. The Live user community, as usual, is even more on top of the new feature than the Abletons. Live forum contributor kabuki from Texas tested, graphed, and labeled the new curves: Curves in all […]

Learning Reaktor: Online Tutorials, Samples, Discussion

You don’t have to be a Native Instruments programmer to build far-out instruments in Reaktor — you just might need some assistance. If you’ve got Reaktor but haven’t had the chance to get deep into build your own instruments and effects, CDM forums contributor Peter Dines has some terrific resources for you. These should be […]