Synth DIYer Round-up: Modular Gods and their Toys

I would be remiss if I didn’t follow mention of a burgeoning community in the real world for synth DIYers with the foremost virtual community: E-Music DIY Archive Thanks to SEQUENCER.DE You’ll find profiles of all the members of the Synth-DIY list. There’s quite a range of work, from assembled modular systems to circuit-bent and […]

E-music Knitting Circle: DIY Modular Synth Builders Meet in Melbourne, and Near You?

Forget knitting: gather together with your mates and build your own modular synthesizer! Via CDM designer Nat, we’ve learned that a DIY Modular Synth Group is getting started in Melbourne. Check out their growing forum here: VICMOD (You’ll likely see some useful information even if you’re not anywhere near Melbourne.) So here’s the next question: […]

Bob Dylan CD Warnings: Apply to a T-Shirt, or Stature-Free Albums

Dylan’s poetic non-sequiturs make great t-shirts. Something about his recent complaints just beg to be turned into brilliant designs. Arru, a breakdancing Swedish musician and designer, is the first to respond to our Dylan design challenge with these gems: Bob Dylan puts it thusly [] Truly great work, Arru! I’m not sure whether to throw […]

Don't Tease us Sony: Vegas 7 Details Posted, Removed

It seems that Sony didn’t really want us to know about the new stuff coming in the next version of their editing suite Vegas. Apparently the information was posted on the Sony site long enough for Videoguys to scribble down some points on a napkin. Vegas 7 XDCAM SD/HD support Improved HDV playback performance Enhanced […]

Don’t Tease us Sony: Vegas 7 Details Posted, Removed

It seems that Sony didn’t really want us to know about the new stuff coming in the next version of their editing suite Vegas. Apparently the information was posted on the Sony site long enough for Videoguys to scribble down some points on a napkin. Vegas 7 XDCAM SD/HD support Improved HDV playback performance Enhanced […]

High Speed Camera Rental Prices, for the People

Throughout the recent spate of slow motion posts I’ve been looking at sites for the cameras themselves. These sites all have something in common: None of them list a single price anywhere. So I sent an email to my local high speed camera dealer, and they have generously allowed me to reprint some of their […]

Mactel Watch: Logic Pro 7.2.2 Optimized for Quad-Core Mac Pro; Ivory Pianos Now Intel-Native

Logic for Quads. Today’s treat from Software Update: Logic Pro 7.2.2 is a must-download if you’re lucky enough to have a new Mac Pro desktop. The update is optimized to take advantage of the Mac Pro’s quad-core architecture. Exactly what does that mean? I can’t say, because I’m perfectly happy blazing away on a dual-2.7GHz […]

Ableton Live 6: Hidden New Features and Tips, Crossfader Curves and More

Software improvements don’t always fit well into marketing materials. Hype aside, music software is both musical tool and instrument, so for those of us who use apps daily, it’s the little stuff that often matters. Live 6 is full of those kind of improvements, having been working with the beta lately. Dave Hill from Ableton […]

Prototyping Custom Gear: Friendly Plastic a.k.a. Shapelock

I received an email this morning from a friendly fellow Australian named Keith. He had googled his way to a short post on my site looking for a source of Friendly Plastic/Shapelock/Polymorph in Australia. After a couple of emails back and forth I figured out that he’s Keith from plasq/Comic Life/Rax, and he figured […]