As I have a plotter which only speaks vectors, and Peter has motion tracking on the brain we’ve been thinking about visualisations involving vector graphics a lot recently. Someone else who has visualisation on the brain is Martin Wattenberg. I’ve encountered his work before, but hadn’t connected the projects together. Shape of Mary Had A […]
DustBook: Another DIY Solution for Burning Man Desert Performances
Mashup/files/media/music maven Moldover checks in in comments with another tip for surviving the desert of Burning Man (or, you know, your next gig in Yemen): I’ve been bringing my laptop to the playa for several years now. My solution this year was a modified briefcase. I made a mount for my MIDI controller to sit […]
Wearable Visuals: Phillips Lumalive LED Embedded Fabrics Give Whiter Whites and Brighter Colours
Light Emitting Textiles is a technological theme which keeps reappearing year after year. In fact, a year ago for the Internationale Funkaustellung (IFA) Phillips announced their Photonic Textile Prototypes – rather blocky but undeniably cool flexible LED arrays. For this year’s IFA, Phillips have upped the ante with: better resolution? Cliched example loops? Come on […]
Apple Integrates CoverFlow into iTunes 7; Seamless Playback for Audio
Today’s Apple announcement was mostly as-expected, and ho-hum for music listeners. Wait, what’s that? John Lennon on iTunes! Fantasti— uh, sorry. That’s John Legend. Never mind. (One of these artists is not like the other.) Apple did offer improved iPods, long-awaited movie service and high-resolution TV shows, an upcoming video and audio streaming device for […]
Tips: Vocoders + Ableton Live; Vocoder Resources, Free Universal Vocoder Plug-in
Vocoding is capable of a broad range of sounds, from the traditional “robot talking” effects to unique, organic-sounding synth and drum effects. Like many commonly-used techniques for synthesis and processing (and qualifying as both), vocoder effects can be cliched — but they can also be used to great effect. Before today’s vocoders, there was the […]
RED Camera Updates at HD4NDS: First 4K Images, Updated Body, Updated Website, Hype Belief Rising
You go offline for a couple of days and what happens? Only the deluge of RED camera information since it was announced. The Red Digital Cinema website has been updated, and Mike of HD4Indies has been working Red’s booth at IBC and has been furiously blogging his experiences. Red show their footage for the first […]
Apple Sculpture, Lemur Touchscreen Ripped Off: Visual Comparisons of “Sincerest Form of Flattery”
Separated at birth — or fresh off the photocopier? In the case of Lemur touchscreen versus Mono Touch, it’s pretty obvious the creator of the Mono Touch software just worked on cloning the exact layout of the Ableton Live template on the Lemur. David Cross points us to this comparison from the Ableton forums, as […]
Learning Processing (Even if You're a Director Guru); Learning Computer Vision Techniques for Non-Programmers
Learning Processing “Is there a good, basic tutorial for Processing?” This question gets asked all the time. Processing is a powerful, open source, cross-platform (Mac, Windows, Linux) tool capable of all kinds of multimedia magic from video processing to generative 2D and 3D art and animation. There’s no graphical UI, just simplified Java code, but […]
Learning Processing (Even if You’re a Director Guru); Learning Computer Vision Techniques for Non-Programmers
Learning Processing “Is there a good, basic tutorial for Processing?” This question gets asked all the time. Processing is a powerful, open source, cross-platform (Mac, Windows, Linux) tool capable of all kinds of multimedia magic from video processing to generative 2D and 3D art and animation. There’s no graphical UI, just simplified Java code, but […]