It’s been six weeks since The Edge launch. People are starting to discover the building and its lab of free-access, kitted out computers. We had an iteration of Plug N Play Brisbane , and a bunch of great events and workshops passed & future.

The one thing The Edge doesn’t have so far is people editing footage to show what’s going on! I hope to remedy that in the coming weeks, but right now a little of this gap has been filled by Kyle McLean, who was commissioned to put together a projection mapping installation for the opening event. The budget wouldn’t stretch to provide a white, projection-friendly venue though, so he augmented the black, steel sculpture towering over The Edge building.

Augmented Sculpture @ The Edge opening from Kyle McLean on Vimeo.

Kyle works in VVVV, and it’s fantastic to watch him patch a system together live. The video was shot on a Canon 5D MKII, which dealt beautifully with the relatively low light environment.