
Qeve is a promising-looking, open-source visual performance tool built in visual patching environment Pure Data (Pd). It was built primarily on Ubuntu Linux but should also run with some adjustment on Mac. (Pd itself runs on Windows, but some of the visual dependencies are not available on that platform. I’d still recommend Linux.)

Aside from being free and open, and a set of patches you can go in and modify, there are some nice-looking features here:

  • Audiovisual mixing and step sequencing, transitions
  • Video browsing
  • Beat sync and master clock
  • 3 layers, supporting multiple formats (video, 3D, photos, text, paint), 3D/2D graphics
  • Full OpenSoundControl support
  • Audio analysis
  • FreeFrame plug-in support
  • Live video streaming
  • MIDI configuration
  • Control with Wiimote, Nintendo DS, and (open source iPhone OSC app) MrMr

The project comes from the development team Estereotips (Italian/English/Spanish site).

Project page:

vdmo Kstati tells us all about it, in a complete English-language blog post:
Qeve: Free tool for Live Performance and VJing

The current documentation PDF is in English.

I’m giving this a shot on my Ubuntu box; stay tuned.

And here’s what happens when the software mixes with TUIO and an open multitouch interactive visual mixing table. It’s the MesaQ project, by the same team.