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State of the 80s: Fairlight CVI Demo Video, BBC on "Tomorrow's World"

A bank of faders, a touchpad, and then … it just does anything you want. Even today, the idea of a fully-integrated visual instrument is a pretty profound concept. Ableton’s creators thought about the design of the Synclavier digital synth (the rival of the CVI’s music sibling, the CMI) when designing their software. At least […]

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State of the 80s: Fairlight CVI Demo Video, BBC on “Tomorrow’s World”

A bank of faders, a touchpad, and then … it just does anything you want. Even today, the idea of a fully-integrated visual instrument is a pretty profound concept. Ableton’s creators thought about the design of the Synclavier digital synth (the rival of the CVI’s music sibling, the CMI) when designing their software. At least […]

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Peter on the Road: Boston, April 4-6 for Massaging Media Design Education Conference

I’ll be doing a two hour workshop in Boston on Processing for a conference on graphic design in education. My goal: get a group of educators and students unfamiliar with the tool up to speed as quickly as possible. I’m assembling a “90-minute” Processing code kit for the purpose, indebted to some of the existing […]

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Weekend Inspiration: Martin Böttger's Ever-Changing Geometries

Whether in three-dimensional videos or paper sculptures, artist Martin Böttger manipulates organic, fluid geometry like a child with blocks. An artist working with Maya, vvvv, and Processing, his work demonstrates that even simple elements can yield a variety of creative products. “Transformer” is an intentional nod to the robots and movie — with good reason; […]

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Weekend Inspiration: Martin Böttger’s Ever-Changing Geometries

Whether in three-dimensional videos or paper sculptures, artist Martin Böttger manipulates organic, fluid geometry like a child with blocks. An artist working with Maya, vvvv, and Processing, his work demonstrates that even simple elements can yield a variety of creative products. “Transformer” is an intentional nod to the robots and movie — with good reason; […]

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Gizmodo Uses TV-B-Gone Screen Killer for Evil

In case you haven’t seen it, several readers wrote in to tell us about how the “journalists” at Gizmodo went around CES disabling video screens. The invention used to do it — the TV-B-Gone — is capable of far more worthy goals, like disabling the invasive crap on Fox News at an airport. (Addendum: unless […]

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New Monome Kit Coming 11/30, 128 Due 12/14

If you missed the chance to make a custom Monome kit the first time, you’ll get a second chance! From the Monome site: the 40h kit allows users to assemble their own 40h-compatible device. the kit includes the circuits and keypads, requiring the use to create an enclosure and top plate. we produced 100 units […]

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