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Vista “Content Protection” DRM Won’t Impact Music Production, Says Microsoft and You

Good things about Microsoft: they’re the rich kid next door who can book Jefferson Starship for their Vista launch tour. Good news for PC users: DRM probably isn’t going to keep you from getting a shiny new OS after all. Whether you choose Mac OS X, Linux, Windows XP, or Windows Vista — or some […]

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Luxeed Keyboard with Interactive Lighting: Perfect Gigging QWERTY?

Down with laptops! Jaymis and I have both taken up SFF PCs as live tools, so we can bring some serious iron to gigs with multiple video outputs. Now, the only problem: laptops have these handy QWERTY keyboards attached. SFF PCs (and Mac minis and such) mean bringing your own keyboard and display. I’ve been […]

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Create Digital Motion @ Macworld: Visualist Tips, Parties, and flickr Group

I’m here in San Francisco all week at Macworld, a hub not only for the Mac platform but the visualist/VJ scene as well. I’ll be reporting all week (and next, as I catch up) for both CDMotion and CDMusic. This is a huge chance to learn about Flash (Flashforward is hosting a special Macworld edition), […]

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Create Digital Music @ Macworld: Events, Parties, flickr Group

I’m now in San Francisco at Macworld Expo, and will be reporting all week for CDMusic and CDMotion. Sure, word is Steve Jobs is going to be introducing some new gadget, but that’s not even the highlight for me. There’s a terrific lineup of music and visual events and parties, many of which will appeal […]

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The Best of 2006 for Visualists

Forget predictions. It’s hard enough just processing (or is that Processing) the powerful, new visual tools digital artists got in 2006. With that in mind, we, the Create Digital Motion co-editors Peter Kirn and Jaymis Loveday, take a fond look at our favorite tools and art for 2006. And you can bet that this list […]

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Stripped-Down, Bootable Linux OS for Visual Performance, Installation?

pure:dyne is a new free, open source, Linux-based, bootable, low-latency, high-performance operating system with Pure Data (Pd) as its main emphasis. Pop a CD, USB key, or bootable hard drive into your PC or Intel Mac, and you’re ready to go. pure:dyne, the Art + Music Performance OS for PCs and Intel Macs [Create Digital […]

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Free Christmas Tunes: Garritan Community Christmas Album, DJ Riko Mad Mix

Ready to get in the holiday mood, but feeling Scrooge-like with your money? Here are some free tunes to get your Yuletide festivities underway: The Garritan Personal Orchestra forum has become more than a place for users of this sampled orchestra library to troubleshoot and ask questions — it really is a community in its […]

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Ask CDM Readers: Electronics Component Markets in Hanoi, Vietnam?

I have another 2 days in Hanoi before returning to Australia. I was hoping to find an electronics market to pick up some gear to use in physical computing projects, but so far my asking around and googling hasn’t located anything. Can any Vietnam-based CDM readers help me out? In other news: I’m currently working […]

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New Film Scoring Site; Mac mini, PC Sampler Farms for Samples

The music technology blogosophere continues to expand, now with an excellent new site dedicated to film scoring. The site also has a bonus: its name begins with the word “Create”, which means it can join CDM’s unofficial “Create [Stuff]” network! Create Film Scores Jerome Leroy, an L.A.-based music systems technician, is editing the new site. […]

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