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CONTAKT, Live with Hawtin and Open Source Kineme Quartz Composer Plugins

CONTAKT @ Amsterdam from Ali M. Demirel on Vimeo. David Lublin at Vidvox points us to this fantastic video from CONTAKT, playing live in Amsterdam with Richie Hawtin: I’ve started to use Kineme plugins for Quartz Composer in my live set. Here is a good example based on ‘tb soundflower’ composition by alx toneburst. I’ve […]

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What is Digital Game Space? Moving Mario, Mario Bros. Gone Mechanical

Keith, maker of a wearable wristwatch Theremin, sends his Ars Electronica-winning project Moving Mario. Yes, this is just the sort of thing you might think of, but not actually do. He did it:   It’s a gimmick, of course, but I really like the questions it raises. By making Mario’s virtual space physical, you really […]

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Cheap Gear: The $42 LCD Monitor Review (and Other Inexpensive Visualist Bits)

I’ve recently had another shipment arrive from previously mentioned purveyors of cheap gadgetry, DealExtreme (disclosure: Affiliate links used, if you buy stuff I get a (tiny) cut). Last time I write about the site, I noted that super-useful VJ things such as preview monitors weren’t available. They are now. As you can definitely tell from […]

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Media Consumption: VideoThing on Boxee, the Open Social Media Centre

Over at Video Thing, Wiley is espousing the competition-winning Boxee – an open-source “social media player”, based on XBox Media Centre, and running on Linux, Mac, Windows, and in the VideoThing setup, AppleTV: I’ve been using an AppleTV since it was released. A device with great potential (cheap, HD enabled, great integration with iTunes) crippled […]

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Learning Video Mapping

As mentioned in the call for artists, I have a project coming up which involves projection mapping in a venue which seems to have been designed with visuals in mind. Doing research for this project I’ve discovered that there’s a dearth of resources for artists taking their first steps into projection mapping. The “traditional” technique […]

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Projectors are Now Presidential Political Fodder in the US

Viva la revolucion! Unidad para proyectistas! Photo by Richard Yuan of the Adler Planetarium’s now-controversial projector. Attention, visualists! We’ve reached a historic landmark: we’re a political campaign issue! A projector controversy on a nationally-televised Presidential debate? Believe it. Background For those not in the US, for some time candidate Senator McCain has been attacking “earmark” […]

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Net-Lag: Global Live Streaming AV Performances Tomorrow Featuring CDM, LightRhythmVisuals and more…

Peter and I have been talking about running CDM-curated streaming events for a while, as a way for us to bring together artists from the incredible communities which have coalesced around this little corner of the web. A series of innocent discussions with Jean Poole last time I was in Melbourne seems to have been […]

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Net-Lag: Global Live Streaming AV Performances This Thursday Featuring CDM, LightRhythmVisuals and more…

Peter and I have been talking about running CDM-curated streaming events for a while, as a way for us to bring together artists from the incredible communities which have coalesced in this little corner of the web. A series of innocent discussions with Jean Poole last time I was in Melbourne seems to have been […]

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Polar Views of Video: Fodder for 3D, Pixel Bender Effects?

2.5D – Polar Panoramic Video from Valentijn Kint on Vimeo. Speaking of Adobe’s new Pixel Bender, VKNT writes about work he’s doing with polar views, as modified in an application that processes panoramic images called Pano2VR. It’s not a real-time process, in this case (though the finished result is built in Processing), but I don’t […]

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Generative Visuals, Installation Light Up Minitek in NYC This Weekend

This weekend, three things that are supposed to be dead in New York — Midtown, Coney Island, and electronic music — converge in a massive festival that proves otherwise, as seen on Create Digital Music. For the night “innovation stage,” 360 degrees of generative visuals and visualist installation complement the impressive music lineup. And that […]

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