With modeled amps and synced effects all in one box for US$400, Roger Linn’s AdrenaLinn III has earned a cult following of dedicated users who appreciate its low-budget, rich sonic satisfaction. That has simultaneously shifted the Linn reputation from fans of drum machines to guitarists, though, naturally, clever players of other instruments, including keys, can get a lot of sonic goodness out of the AdrenaLinn, as well. (Want to make your own, shipping Dave Smith – Roger Linn combo tool? Plug a Mopho into the AdrenaLinn and go to town!)

But what if you don’t want another box? The US$99 AdrenaLinn Sync does the same effects (and then some) in software. Version 2 represents a big landmark improvement over the first version; the new release has been built by Way Out Ware (TimewARP 2600), which I’ve long thought was one of the most talented software sound developers around.

The basic idea of Sync is to do rich, rhythmic, sequenced, filtered patterns with a live audio signal. The resulting sounds are terrific and can (cough) make you sound like a much better player than you are. You can check out Roger relaxing at home with his software in the video above. This isn’t just for fake John Mayer sounds, either – Mayer himself is apparently a user.

The sequenced patterns are coupled with a wide variety of paths for modulation, randomness, tuning grooves, and more. New in this version, aside from a nice, friendly, hardware-inspired interface, are some brilliant filter, phasor, and flanger emulations, big stereo delays, and better sound quality. The previous version was built in Cycling ’74’s (defunct) Pluggo, but this far more mature release is built from the ground up. I’m actually keen to try it.

As Roger puts it to CDM, “It really does make some interesting and unique new sounds, much better than the original release.”

If you do have the original, this is a free upgrade, so let us know what you think. Currently Mac AU/VST only, but Windows VST/RTAS and Mac RTAS are coming soon.
AdrenaLinn Sync