The best Black Friday deals in music tech right now

Fall discounts have gotten hard to track, with most makers offering some discounts around now. But here is a select running list of some of the most exceptional deals.

Max 9: new coding and livecoding, new visuals, and Ableton’s sound tools

Max 9 is available today, bringing benefits for casual tinkerers and hardcore devs alike. There’s more code, more performance, more livecoding, more visual powers, and – one more thing: you get the building blocks Ableton uses for sound.

Peter Kirn - October 30, 2024

Ableton Move guide: tips, tricks, questions answered, hacks

Move, the all-new compact all-in-one hardware platform from Ableton, got your attention – whether you loved it, hated it, or just weren’t sure. So here’s still more detail on Move: what it can do, what it can’t, how it compares, and some tips and hacks for getting more out of it even at v1.1.

Peter Kirn - October 18, 2024

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